Deploy360 23 May 2012

The Cable Show in Boston Featuring an IPv6 Workshop

By Dan YorkSenior Director, Internet Technology and Communication

The Cable ShowThis afternoon at The Cable Show conference in Boston, MA, Comcast and Time Warner Cable together with the sponsorship of Cisco have coordinated a 2.5-hour event called “IPv6 Workshop: Status Update on the Global Transition“. The session will include speakers on topics:

  • Addressed for Success: Implications of the IPv6 Transition
  • 3…2…1…Liftoff: Closing in on the World IPv6 Launch
  • Keeping Tabs: Measurement and Benchmarking IPv6

With World IPv6 Launch only 14 days away, this workshop will help cable providers understand the implications of the move to IPv6 and how they start the transition if they have not already begun.

Kudos to Comcast, Time Warner Cable and Cisco, all of whom are big World IPv6 Launch supporters and participants, for organizing this session. We look forward to hearing how it goes and hearing of more cable providers moving to IPv6!

P.S. The Deploy360 Programme’s Richard Jimmerson is there on-site at the event, along with the Internet Society’s Phil Roberts. If you are there at the event, please do say hello to them!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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