IPv6 24 May 2012

ZyXEL Joins World IPv6 Launch As An IPv6-Enabled Home Router Vendor

By Dan YorkSenior Director, Internet Technology and Communication

With World IPv6 Launch only a little over 12 days away, we were delighted to see a new addition to the list of home router vendors participating in the Launch.  ZyXEL, a manufacturer of a wide variety of networking and telecommunication products, announced their inclusion on the list and the availability of an IPv6 portal about their products:


Their list of home router products can be found under the “Solutions for Service Providers” tab on that page, presumably because service providers would be providing these products to their customers.  The University of New Hampshire Interoperability Lab (UNH-IOL) notes on its Home Routers Test List that the ZyXEL Keenetic series of products were tested and certified with IPv6.

Congratulations to ZyXEL for getting their products certified as IPv6-ready in time for the World IPv6 Launch! The process of participating as a home router vendor is perhaps the most involved as the company must have its products tested for IPv6 interoperability by UNH-IOL or other IPv6 Ready Test Labs in accordance with the IPv6 Ready CE Router (CPE) Interoperability Test Scenario.  World IPv6 Launch really represents the beginning of this effort that will continue on through the rest of this year and beyond.

Congrats again to ZyXEL for joining Cisco and D-Link as the first home router vendors with fully certified IPv6 support!


Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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