Deploy360 11 September 2013

“Impact IPv6” Aims To Expand IPv6 Usage Throughout Cameroon

By Dan YorkSenior Director, Internet Technology and Communication

cameroon-ipv6How will IPv6 improve Internet capabilities in Cameroon?  In a recent post on our main Internet Society blog titled “Preparing Cameroon for the future“, Victor Ndonnang speaks about part of the rationale for the work he and a team of people are doing as part of the “Impact IPv6” project:

‘Imagine, in the next two, three or five years, when more of the people of Cameroon have the ability to connect to the Internet, and we can’t, because the Internet is “full”!’ says Ndonnang.

With funding from an Internet Society Community Grant, Victor and his colleagues have trained over 100 people and already have several local Internet Service Providers (ISPs) working with IPv6, with more committing to do so soon.  As noted in the article:

… engineers and managers from Cameroon’s National ICT Agency have been trained through the project and are now working to activate a National IPv6 Task force transition. If the trend continues, the country will build its new technical infrastructure based on the latest internet protocol technology, making national networks far better prepared for growth.

It is incredibly inspiring to read of the work of the group in the Cameroon and we hope that it will serve as an inspiration for other regions who are looking to bring Internet access to more people.  If those new networks can be planned from the start with IPv6, they will be so much more successful in the future!

Congratulations to Victor and his colleagues… and we look forward to hearing of their continued success!

P.S. You, too, can apply for an Internet Society Community Grant –  the next deadline is October 1, 2013! Read more about the community grants application process and submit your idea today!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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