IPv6 17 April 2014

Call For IPv6 Case Studies For World IPv6 Launchiversary

By Dan YorkSenior Director, Internet Technology and Communication

World IPv6 Launch LogoHave you already deployed IPv6 in your network? Have you migrated your application to work over IPv6? Have you made your website or online service available over IPv6?


Friday, 6 June 2014, marks the 2-year “Launchiversary” of World IPv6 Launch, the day when sites and networks all across the Internet turned on IPv6 permanently. To celebrate, we want to promote stories about what people have done to make IPv6 “the new normal” within their network, service, application or device.

In the time around 6 June, we want to publish and promote many different kinds of “case studies.” So we want to hear from you! We want to help tell your story of what you did to move to IPv6. In some cases, the story might be how incredibly easy it was to make the move – in other cases the story might be how difficult it was and what steps you had to take.

Now, when we say we want to promote a “case study” we are not necessarily talking about some long whitepaper full of charts and diagrams. That could be the form it takes, if you already have such a document – or if you and we have the time to do that. But a “case study” could also be in the form of:

  • A guest blog post here on Deploy360 with several paragraphs walking through what you did.
  • A video interview posted up on YouTube or another video service.
  • A slide deck that outlines the steps of your transition and the lessons learned.
  • An audio interview posted on our site.
  • A recording of a presentation you have given at a recent industry conference where you talked about your transition.

It could be any of those forms!

If you have a story to tell, please email us at deploy360@isoc.org or fill out our feedback form.

We already have a number of case studies we’re intending to publicize, but we want more! We’re interested in hearing from many different types of people, too, including:

  • Operators of small, medium and large Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
  • Network operators at enterprises
  • Operators of networks for small businesses
  • Consumer electronics vendors
  • Application developers
  • Manufacturers of home routers and other devices for home networks
  • Cloud service providers
  • Data center network operators
  • ???

Basically… if you’ve done anything to move a product/service/application/network over to IPv6, we’d like to hear from you. In the case studies, we’re looking to answer questions such as these:

  • What was involved in making the move to IPv6? What was your business case?
  • What did you need to do to prepare?
  • Was it easy/hard? What was the most challenging aspect of the move? What was the easiest aspect?
  • Was there anything you wish you had known before you started?
  • What advice would you give anyone in a similar situation looking to make the move?

Again, we could capture that in text… in a video interview… in an audio interview… or whatever other form we can think of. We’re ready to work with you to help create that content – and if you already have existing content we’re open to pointing to that, too.

IPv6 deployment has come a long way in the two years since World IPv6 Launch on 6 June 2012.  We want to help spread the word about all the great work that has happened. Please join us!

If you would like to participate, please email us at deploy360@isoc.org or fill out our feedback form so that we can find out more.

We’ll highlight the best case studies we get, and may start doing that before 6 June, so the earlier you submit yours, the better! We’d like to have all submissions in by no later than 30 May so that we can get everything ready for the big day. But, to start, just fire us a message letting us know you are interested – why not do that NOW?

Thanks for your help – and we look forward to celebrating the 2-year Launchiversary with you all on 6 June!


Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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