Some great news for IPv6 advocates in the latest August 2015 World IPv6 Launch measurements. As our colleague Mat Ford writes, Swisscom doubled their deployment over the past few months to near 40%!

Meanwhile, Verizon Wireless continues its steady climb to where the sites measuring activity are now seeing 70% IPv6 deployment from Verizon’s network:

It continues to be fun to watch this trend line grow up and to the right!
Many more statistics are available at the World IPv6 Launch measurements page. As Mat notes, Telekom Malaysia entered the top ten networks based on the methodology used (see the bottom of the page to learn more). Congrats to the folks there in Malaysia for making this happen!
If you want to expand your IPv6 efforts, please visit our Start Here page to find resources to help!
And if you are a network operator with IPv6 deployed, why not sign up to join into the World IPv6 Launch measurements effort? It’s free to you and it will help us continue to understand and measure the transition to IPv6!