ICANN69 is the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the ICANN community, Board, and organizations. This was the first virtual AGM, taking place in the Hamburg, Germany time zone (UTC+2), which was where this meeting was originally scheduled.
ICANN69 featured two weeks of sessions that showcased ICANN’s work. Community Days (13-15 October 2020) was devoted to work sessions and outreach. The second week (19-22 October 2020) focused on plenary sessions, including the Public Forum and the AGM. Those interested in attending ICANN69 were required to register on ICANN’s website.
Thank you for joining us for another virtual edition of ISOC@ICANN
Ready for another journey? Our ISOC@ICANN69 social event is scheduled for Tuesday, 20 October at 4 PM UTC.
Click to add to calendar.