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Action Plan 2021

Empowering People to Create a Bigger and Stronger Internet

The Internet Endures.

No one could have predicted the events of 2020. Through it all, the Internet has been the one constant in many people’s lives. It has been our unwavering connection to the world around us.

Because of its underpinnings, the Internet has remained reliable, and resilient – a lifeline for so many people throughout the globe.

More than any other year, 2020 has reminded us of the importance of our mission.

We need to keep working to ensure the Internet is there for everyone.

As we do so, we are marching toward our strategic goals for the Internet to be open, globally-connected, secure, and trustworthy. 

Our Action Plan for 2021 is the next step in this journey. 

We will stay focused on building, promoting and defending the Internet in the areas where we can make the most difference, so that it remains a force for good in the world, and brings opportunity to all.   

A renewed sense of purpose and urgency

Growing the Internet

Everyone should have access to the Internet. It is a life-changing resource, and as long as it remains necessary, we will not stop working to increase the Internet’s reach and resilience. We are committed to closing the digital divide by bringing together the people and technology that are needed to give everyone the access they want.

Strengthening the Internet

The Internet has radically transformed our lives for the better. In just a few decades, it has become a critical resource offering those with access virtually infinite opportunities to innovate and work together for the collective good. This didn’t happen by accident. The Internet owes its strength, resilience, and success to its open architecture. It was literally built to be built upon.

Empowering People to Take Action

People who champion the Internet are at the heart of what we do. The Internet Society’s strength comes from our Individual Members, Organizational Members, Chapters, and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that constitute us. We work together with other communities of interest, partners, and allies to ensure the Internet thrives and meets the needs of all people. Thanks to that collaboration – volunteerism, funding, and policy and technical support – we can more effectively promote a bigger, stronger Internet.

Financial Plan

Summary Statement of Activities

Our work in 2021 is supported by a financial plan that will ensure the Internet Society remains fiscally strong and operates effectively as a charitable, not-for-profit entity. The financial plan allocates resources so the Internet Society can continue to deliver on its mission to support and promote the development of the Internet as a global technical infrastructure, a resource to enrich people’s lives, and a force for good in society. The tables below provide further details of this year’s financial plan.

Board Designated Funds

(All amounts in US $000’s)2021 Budget
Enhancing Technologies$1,420
Learning @ Internet Society$760
Early & Mid-Career Fellowship Programs$260
Individual Membership$200
Content Strategy Implementation$143
Total Board Designated Funds$2,782

2021 Budget

UNRESTRICTED REVENUE(All amounts in US $000’s)
Memberships, Sponsorships, & Registrations$1,479
Grants & Contributions$3,046
Public Interest Registry Contribution$35,000
EXPENSES(All amounts in US $000’s)
Action Plan Projects
  Building Community Networks$2,011
  Fostering Infrastructure and Community Development$1,868
  Measuring the Internet$475
  Promoting the Internet Way of Networking$490
  Extending Encryption$1,020
  Securing Global Routing$470
  Preserving the Open Internet Model$45
Initiatives for Empowering People$3,490
Personnel & Operating Costs$29,357
Board Governance$300
Net Surplus/(Deficit)


This Action Plan represents our focus on achieving tangible outcomes that make a positive difference for the Internet.

  • We will work directly in areas that affect Internet access, and the security of the Internet.
  • We will advocate for an Internet we believe in through sustained and focused communications efforts that link to our objectives.
  • We will work to strengthen our standing as an influencer in Internet decision-making around the world, and as a trusted source of balanced insight and opinion.
  • We will make improvements and drive initiatives to help us be more effective in our work.

Creating an Internet for
everyone everywhere

Members globally

Chapters & SIGs

Organization members

Copyright information sorted by appearance.

© Internet Society / Nyani Quarmyne / Panos Pictures
© Internet Society / Nyani Quarmyne / Panos Pictures
© Elyse Butler
© Internet Society / Atul Loke / Panos Pictures
© Chris Gregory
© Internet Society, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
© Internet Society / Nyani Quarmyne / Panos Pictures