MozFest Panel: Building a movement to protect and defend our strongest security shield online

In 2021, the Global Encryption Coalition (GEC) built the largest social movement ever to promote and defend our strongest tool for security and privacy online: encryption.

Why campaign for encryption? Governments worldwide are increasingly trying to ban or undermine encryption – a critical security tool that keeps people and countries worldwide safe both online and in real life.

The GEC’s Make the Switch campaign rallied journalists, LGBTQ+ advocates, activists, tech experts, civil society organizations and companies to promote and defend our use of strong encryption leading up to the first Global Encryption Day on October 21, 2021. This international day of action featured over 70 supporter-led events spanning all continents, the Who’s Listening online game played in over 80 countries, and a social-driven education campaign that reached over 50M people worldwide.

Part masterclass and part workshop, this session taught participants how the Global Encryption Coalition built a global movement for change and a proactive campaign leading to the first Global Encryption Day. We heard from various GEC members on how they used this platform to build local advocacy campaigns leading to significant regional and global impact in 2021.

The session culminated in an interactive workshop helping participants transform their own ideas into hard-hitting, regionally relevant advocacy campaigns to promote and defend encryption on the road to Global Encryption Day 2022.

Date and Time


Tuesday 08 March 2022



Featured speakers and panelists

Portrait photo  of Natalie Campbell

Natalie Campbell

Senior Director, North American Government and Regulatory Affairs

I am the Senior Director, North American Government and Regulatory Affairs for the Internet Society. I am passionate about analyzing how government actions could impact the Internet and drive advocacy… Read more about Natalie Campbell

Portrait photo  of Ryan Polk

Ryan Polk

Director, Internet Policy

I am a Director of Internet Policy at the Internet Society where I primarily work to improve Internet routing security and promote and defend the use of strong encryption worldwide. … Read more about Ryan Polk