About Internet Society 1 November 2014

Internet Society 2013 Annual Review

The Internet is for everyone

In 2013, the Internet Society continued to focus on its strategic priorities, marking important accomplishments in each area. We celebrated the one-year “launchiversary” of IPv6 with deployments far exceeding projections from a year earlier, and we inducted 32 Internet engineers, activists, innovators, and entrepreneurs into the Internet Hall of Fame.

Work continued with the African Union’s AXIS project to hold community mobilization and technical workshops to support IXP development in 30 African countries, and we held a well-attended AfPIF conference in Morocco. Google.org awarded the Internet Society a US$1.3 million grant to extend IXP development activities in emerging markets. This grant allowed for development of an IXP Toolkit, including a best practices guide and website, launched in early 2014, and is also supporting IXP development work in Latin American, the Caribbean, and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

In the area of Internet governance, the Internet Society took an active role in the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) + 10 Review, hosted by UNESCO in partnership with other UN organizations, and in the ITU World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF).

We closed 2013 with a farewell to Lynn St. Amour, our President and CEO of 15 years, and a welcome to our new President and CEO, Kathy Brown.


  • Message from Bob Hinden, Chair, Board of Trustees
  • Message from Lynn St. Amour, President & CEO
  • Internet Society Vision, Mission & Strategic Priorities
  • Select 2013 Highlights & Accomplishments
  • Digitally Empowering Rural India
  • IXP Development
  • Internet Governance and the Multi-Stakeholder Model
  • Internet Ecosystem
  • Digital Identity
  • Internet Society Community
  • Our Supporters
  • Internet Society Chapters
  • Related Organizations
  • Awards
  • Community Grants
  • Events
  • Looking Ahead
  • 2013 Financial Summary
  • Board of Trustees and Executive Staff
  • 2013-Annual-Review-Cover thumbnail Download
  • 2013-Annual-Review-Cover thumbnail Download

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