The full DO Hub team will be in Boston, MA, this week at the USENIX LISA ’11 event: the 25th Large Installation System Administration Conference.
On Thursday, December 7th, we’ll be in “Back Bay C” where Richard Jimmerson will present on:
IPv6, DNSSEC, RPKI, etc.: What’s the Holdup and How Can We Help?
You’re busy. We get it. This industry moves fast and you’ve got your hands full keeping your networks updated and secure from the threat of the day. But why is it taking so long to deploy IPv6, DNSSEC, and other standards coming out of the IETF? These standards are the future of the Internet, but deployment to date has been slow.
The Internet Society has launched a new initiative that aims to bridge the gap between the IETF standards process and final adoption of those standards by the global operations community. Already deployed the latest and greatest technologies? Work with us on case studies and how-to documents to help other organizations. Ready to deploy IPv6, but don’t know where to start? Let us know what you need. We’re amassing a collection of detailed, hands-on information that you can easily use to get your organization moving in the right direction.
In this talk, I’ll explain the new initiative and provide a forum for you to share your needs and your success stories. Join us to help define how the nonprofit Internet Society can best serve your deployment information needs. We are here to listen and will produce the resources you need.
We’re looking forward to talking to people at LISA ’11 about what we are doing and getting feedback on how we can help folks.
If you are going to be at LISA ’11 and would like to connect, please email us at [email protected].
See you there!