Deploy360 21 February 2012

Internet2 DNSSEC Special Interest Group (SIG) Provides Forum for Research/Education Community

By Dan YorkDirector, Internet Technology

Internet2DNSSECSIGAre you are member of the research or education community interested in connecting with others who are implementing DNSSEC? Or are you interested in monitoring what is happening within the research/education world with regard to DNSSEC? If so, the Internet2 Consortium has a Special Interest Group (SIG) focused on DNSSEC. The SIG has a website with a great amount of information at:

As noted there:

This SIG (Special Interest Group) is intended as a collaborative forum for the research and education community, to share information and support each other in deploying DNSSEC – the Domain Name System Security Extension.

The SIG primarily communicates through a mailing list and instructions to subscribe are provided at the top of the group’s web page. The SIG also has monthly conference calls where they provide updates on recent and upcoming activities and initiatives.

If you are within the research or education community and interested in DNSSEC, this group is definitely a great place to connect with peers and collaborate. We definitely encourage you all to check it out and join the work.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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