We are excited to invite you to a free IPv6 Workshop taking place on the exhibition floor of the Broadband World Forum (BBWF). Our IPv6 Workshop will be part of Content Hub One on 17 October from 12PM-3PM in Amsterdam.
From the abstract:
With millions more now fully supporting IPv6, where are YOU on your journey toward the future of the Internet? In this session organized by the Internet Society, major ISPs and content providers will present their IPv6 case studies and provide steps to get IPv6 operational on any network of any size.
We’ve brought together some amazing speakers to present mini case studies on their IPv6 transitions. Speakers will discuss the plans that went into their deployments, some of their organizational and technical challenges, and other factors that lead to their ultimately successful IPv6 deployments. The speakers are:
- Richard Jimmerson, Director, Deployment & Operationalization, Internet Society
- Timo Hilbrink, Senior Technical Architect, XS4ALL
- Lee Howard, Director of Network Technology, Time Warner Cable
- Martin Gysi, Senior Network Development Engineer, Swisscom
- John Brzozowski, Distinguished Engineer & Chief Architect for IPv6, Comcast
- Jason Fesler, Distinguished Architect & IPv6 Evangelist, Yahoo