
Today, the routing infrastructure of the Internet is based on relationships between network operators around the globe. As the Internet evolves and the number of network operators expands, a more standardized and automated model of routing resiliency and security is needed.

Though Internet routing has worked well over the years, there have been instances of errors that caused routing stability issues. There is also opportunity for malicious activities that could damage the routing infrastructure in the future. To prevent future errors and malicious activity, it is important to increase the resiliency and security of the Internet’s routing infrastructure through the adoption of best current operational practices for routing resiliency and the deployment of secure routing protocols.

As noted in our blog post announcing this new topic area, when we speak of “resiliency” we mean:

the ability of the network to provide and maintain an acceptable level of service in the face of various faults and challenges to normal operation.

In the months ahead we will be engaging with network operators around the world to help understand how we can best help them and the larger operator community make the Internet more secure and resilient.

To learn more, please browse the resources we have started to add to the site:

If you have questions you would like to see us address in this topic area, or have suggestions for sites or resources we should consider adding, please let us know. Thank you!