Day 4: Here Comes The Future Thumbnail
Growing the Internet 9 December 2016

Day 4: Here Comes The Future

By Lia KiesslingFormer Senior Director, Individual Membership and Giving
Boon Thau Loo
Boon Thau LooGuest Author

It’s closing day at the 2016 Internet Governance Forum and it’s time to wrap up with some great sessions, best practices, and a look towards what’s next.

As you pack your bags or your laptop, let us know what you think is next. What were your take aways from the sessions. What did you learn from the Best Practice Forums. More importantly, what will YOU do to implement what you discovered.

Tell us!

Here’s what’s on today

Day 4: Friday, December 9

WS97: How to create relevant Internet Governance Content 9:00-10:30
Workshop Room 1
Olga Cavalli speaking
WS212: Promoting Innovation & Entrepreneurship in the Global South 09:00 – 10:30
Workshop Room 10
Joyce Dogniez speaking

(in partnership with SEED Alliance)

IGF Best Practice Forums (BPFs) and Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion(s) 10:00 – 11:30
Main Session Room
Constance Bommelaer speaking
WS240: Building trust and confidence: implement internet standards 10:30-12:15
Workshop Room 1
Olaf Kolkman speaking
Shaping the Future of Internet Governance – An Open Dialogue between Pioneers and Young Leaders 11:30 – 13:00
Main Session Room
Raùl Echeberrìa speaking
WS109: Analyzing the causes and impacts of Internet shutdowns 12:00 – 13:30
Workshop Room 4
Nicolas Seidler speaking
An Open Dialogue between Pioneers and Young Leaders 15:00 – 15:30
Main Session Room
Raùl Echeberrìa speaking

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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