The latest release of maps visualising different aspects of the Internet as part of our Global Internet Report now includes the fruits of our collaboration with Netradar.
You can now explore the differences in mobile network upload and download bandwidth, as well as latency for many countries around the world. The data presented is based on user-contributed measurements of 3G and LTE networks using the Netradar measurement application. Some of the measurement results are striking. Finland comes out on top of the six countries with maximum recorded download speeds in excess of 100Mbps, with a staggering 227Mbps. Average download speeds are also impressive in some cases with 11 countries exceeding 10Mbps and Denmark averaging over 22Mbps.
The free app, part of the Netradar Project led by Professor Jukka Manner, provides neutral and accurate information about the quality and diversity (in terms of bandwidth and latency) of Internet connections and mobile devices everywhere. It does this by measuring and displaying the data submitted anonymously by anyone who runs the application.
This kind of data helps form a more detailed picture of worldwide network quality, so we can better understand the scope and impact of network changes, and ultimately help to ensure the Internet’s sustainability and reliability for future generations.
Smartphone users around the globe can download the app (available for Android, iPhone, Windows Phone, Symbian, Meego, Maemo, Jolla and Blackberry platforms), contribute their measurements and see their results at (No personal information is gathered by the system, and no account or login is necessary. Optional use of a third-party login enables users to track their measurement history.)
Help us build a global picture of Internet diversity and evolution!