Seeking More Internet Leaders for the Routing Resilience Manifesto: Do You Have MANRS? Thumbnail
Improving Technical Security 20 November 2014

Seeking More Internet Leaders for the Routing Resilience Manifesto: Do You Have MANRS?

By Andrei RobachevskyFormer Senior Director, Technology Programmes
Christine RunnegarPrincipal, Internet Trust

It’s been two weeks since we launched the Routing Resilience Manifesto initiative, featuring the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) document, and we’re proud to see three new participants sign up since hearing about it. But we need more operators from around the globe to step up and publicly commit to improving the security and resilience of the global Internet! Will you join us?

Some history – work on the Routing Resilience Manifesto began more than a year ago, when a group of network operators met at IETF87 in Berlin to discuss how improvements can be facilitated in the global routing system. The result is four concrete Actions that define the minimum package that network operators should consider implementing. These Actions were vetted by the operator community and published as the MANRS document on 6 November. The participants have publicly committed to implement specific Actions that:

  • prevent propagation of incorrect routing information,
  • prevent traffic with spoofed source IP addresses,
  • facilitate global operational communication and coordination between network operators, and
  • facilitate validation of routing information on a global scale.

In order to become a participant of this initiative, a network operator has to implement one or more Actions. But the Routing Resilience Manifesto is more than just the MANRS document, it is a commitment to improve the global Internet.

The goal of the initiative is to make this set of Actions the new norm for the Internet, which will lead to significant improvements in the security and resilience of the global routing system. To make this happen, the Manifesto needs more “weight” and awareness to become an incentive for operators to implement the required security measures.

We are looking for leaders, the network operators who take security and resilience seriously and have already implemented these Actions and probably many more. We are looking for leaders whose reputation will motivate others to step up.

If you are such a leader: We ask you to demonstrate your commitment and sign up at

If you know such leaders in your region: Please let us know about them by contacting us at

I hope you will join us!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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