Internet Governance 16 May 2013

WTPF Day Three Summary

By Ivana TrbovicGuest AuthorSenior Web Manager, Internet Society Foundation

WTPF Day Three opened with Working Group 3 and discussion of the proposed new Opinion drafted by Brazil on “Operationalizing the role of Government in the multistakeholder framework for Internet Governance”. This new Opinion was redrafted from the Brazilian contribution and suggestions they received during discussion on Day Two. The Opinion deals with the role ITU could play in strengthening the capacity of countries to deal with Internet related issues within the mandate of ITU. After significant debate it was determined that there was not enough time to address the proposal and suggestions ranged from directing the continued discussion to the Council Working Group on International Internet Policy to having the topic handled by the Internet Governance Forum. The discussion did not necessarily limit the work to one specific forum, however it became clear that those in favor of the Opinion preferred the ITU as they indicated that it has a very prominent and large role to play in the discussion of governments and multistakeholder engagement.

The WTPF Closing Plenary formally approved the six draft Opinions with the editorial changes inserted in Opinions 5 and 6 to reflect modifications proposed by India. The Brazilian Opinion was also discussed again and the same conclusions were reached. The work will continue in many forums and Brazil welcomes others to assist them in the dialogue and development of the path forward.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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