Committee: Executive Committee of BoT
Document: Excomm-09-04
Status: Unconfirmed
Maintainer: Minutes taken by Scott Bradner.
Access: Unlimited
Daniel Karrenberg (Chair)
Ted Hardie (Treasurer)
Lynn St.Amour
Franck Martin
Desiree Miloshevic
Also present:
Scott Bradner (Secretary)
The Executive Committee of the ISOC BoT met on Monday 16 June, 2009 from 3:09 – 4:01 PM US EDT by teleconference.
Lynn chaired the meeting since Daniel was on a cell phone and could not see the whiteboard.
I. Review agenda – call for agenda items
no new items
II. Review July board meeting agenda
Lynn reviewed the agendas for the upcoming board meetings. She noted that the next meeting would be a short one with the old board followed by a regular length meeting of the new board.
The excom discussed when the IANA discussion should be held during the upcoming board meetings. Daniel said his preference would be to hold the discussion during meeting of the new board but agreed to ask Patrik when he would like to hold the discussion since he is leaving the board at the end of the first meeting.
Lynn asked if a call should be sent to the board for candidates for the chair position and IETF liaison. Daniel agreed to resend the notes he sent last year.
Lynn then reviewed the draft agenda for the upcoming board meetings. The excom discussed the draft agenda and made some suggestions for rearranging some topics. The excomm asked to note on the agenda that election of officers and committee chairs may in practice very well take place both at the beginning and the end of the meeting as appropriate and to explicitly reserve some time at the end of the second day for this.
The excomm discussed the scenarios that the staff has been working on and concluded that the concept of the scenarios was a good one and asked that the staff provide concrete actions of the society suggested by each scenario.
Daniel noted that there should 30 minutes set aside for updating the board work plan towards the end of the meeting.
III .org DNSSEC signed report update
Lynn noted that she had forwarded an update on the signing of .org. to the board.
IV. NOI response follow up discussion
Lynn reported that the ISOC response to the NOI had been submitted on June 3rd.
All Board Executive Committee Meeting Minutes