ION Conferences

ION conferences brought together network engineers and leading industry experts to discuss emerging technologies, including IPv6 and DNSSEC.

ION conferences

Early adopters provided valuable insight into their own deployment experiences and brought participants up to speed on new standards emerging from the IETF.

Sponsored by Afilias, ION conferences let network operators stay ahead of the curve to understand and deploy emerging Internet technologies, and presented a unique opportunity to discuss the future of the Internet with the people who help craft it. More than a simple lecture series, ION events provided hands-on interaction with our speakers. Events brought together the best and brightest from the Internet industry to learn about the latest news, ideas, and technologies in a relaxed and educational atmosphere.

The ION meetings were held globally several times per year. The first ION Conference was held in December 2010, and the last one, ION Belgrade, in November 2017, alongside the Republic of Serbia Network Operators’ Group (RSNOG). 

Regular ION conference topics:

  • The Business Case for IPv6
  • Planning your IPv6 Deployment
  • IPv6: Ready for Production
  • DNSSEC 101
  • Advancing DNSSEC

Top three attendee takeaways:

  • How to get started on your path to deploying IPv6 and DNSSEC
  • Building the business case for IPv6 and DNSSEC
  • Best practices and lessons learned
Panorama of Belgrade city

Previous Events

ION Belgrade
23 November 2017
ION Malta
18 September 2017
ION Durban
7 September 2017
ION Costa Rica
3 July 2017
ION Islamabad
25 January 2017
ION Bucharest
12 October 2016

Older ION Events

The events prior to 2014 are archived and can be found at the Internet Archive links below:

ION Djibouti
2 June 2014, Djibouti

ION Toronto
11 November 2013, Toronto, Canada

ION Krakow
30 September 2013, Krakow, Poland

ION Singapore
28 March 2013, Singapore

ION San Diego 
11 December 2012, San Diego, United States

ION Sao Paolo
5 December 2012, Sao Paolo, Brazil

ION Ljubljana
19 October 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia

ION Mumbai
11 October 2012, Mumbai, India

ION Toronto
14 November 2011, Toronto, Canada

ION Buenos Aires
5 October 2011, Buenos Aires, Argentina

ION San Francisco
8-9 December 2010, San Francisco, United States

Past ION Speakers

ION conferences have drawn world-class experts in the fields of IPv6, DNSSEC, Routing, and other IT-related fields. Here is a list of many of the speakers from past ION conferences (note that the affiliations are prior to 2018, from the time they spoke at the events):

Joe Abley, Director of DNS Operations, ICANN

Alain Aina, Special Projects Manager, AfriNIC

Paul Andersen, P. Eng, President, EGATE Networks Inc.

Wilson Ang, Deputy Director, Technology and Planning Group, IDA Singapore

Rodrigo Arenas, Computer Engineer, University of Chile

Rajiv Asati, Distinguished Engineer, Cisco

Mary Barnes, Principal Engineer, Polycom

Niran Beharry, Lead Technologist at Proteus Technologies Limited, ISOC TT Board Member

Paul Brigner, Regional Director, North American Bureau, Internet Society

Ronald L. Broersma, Chief Engineer, DREN

Łukasz Bromirski, Systems Engineer Manager, Cisco Systems (Poland)

John Brzozowski, Fellow and Chief IPv6 Architect, Comcast

Eric Burger, Adjunct Professor of Computer Science, Georgetown University

Dick Bussiere, Solutions Architect, Arbor Networks

Cameron Byrne, Technical Staff Architect, T-Mobile USA

Frederic Cambus, Software and Network Engineer, StatDNS

Kevin Chege, Internet Development Manager for Africa, Internet Society

Marcin Cieślak, President, ISOC Poland

Tom Coffeen, Chief IPv6 Evangelist, Infoblox

Levin Cole, Network Infrastructure Engineer, Columbus Communications Trinidad Limited

David Conrad, Internet Veteran

Leslie Daigle, Chief Information Technology Officer, Internet Society

Andy Davidson, Chief Technology Officer, Netsumo Limited

Owen DeLong, IPv6 Evangelist, Hurricane Electric

Prof. Gihan V. Dias, President, ISOC Sri Lanka Chapter

Ralph Droms, Distinguished Engineer, Cisco Systems

Paul Ebersman, IPv6 Center of Excellence, Infoblox

Mark Elkins, Posix Systems

Rob Evans, Chief Network Architect, Janet

Ian Farrer, Senior Network Architect, Deutsche Telekom AG

Daniël Federer, Key Account Manager, SIDN

Alex Felipelli, Chief Solutions Engineer for LATAM, Akamai

Jason Fesler, Distinguished Architect, Yahoo!

David Freedman, Group Network Manager, Claranet

Miwa Fujii, APNIC Senior Advisor for Internet Development

Tomohiro Fujisaki, Senior Research Engineer, Supervisor, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT)

Bartosz Gajda, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center

Asela Galappattige, Deputy General Manager – IP & ISP Projects, Sri Lanka Telecom PLC

Dr. James Galvin, Director, Strategic Relationships and Technical Standards, Afilias Limited

Demi Getschko, CGI.BR

Toilem Poriot Godwin, Technical Manager, KeNIC

Chris Griffiths, Senior Manager – Internet Systems Engineering, Comcast Cable

Adam Grodecki, Huawei

Srinivas Gudipudi, Neosixth

Reynold Guerrier, President and CEO, GSIS

Sanjeev Gupta, Principal Technical Architect, DCS1 Pte Ltd

Shailesh Gupta, Vice President, Global NOC – Service Delivery, Tata Communications Limited

Frank Habicht, Manager – Core Network, SimbaNET Tanzania

Wes Hardaker, Lead Research Scientist, Technical Director of the Network Security Research Group, Parsons

Cristiano Hauck Chevitarese, Infrastructure Analyst, Brazilian Public Administration

Senevi Herath, Network/Systems Engineer, Lanka Education and Research Network (LEARN)

Timo Hilbrink, Networking Team, XS4ALL

Nick Hilliard, Chief Technology Officer, INEX

Toshio Hiraga, Distinguished Engineer, Sony Corporation

Patrick Hosein, Chief Executive Officer, TTNIC

Lee Howard, Director of Network Technology, Time Warner Cable

Aaron Hughes, Founder, 6Connect

Mike Hughes, Freelance Consultant

Shumon Huque, Director of Engineering, Research & Development, University of Pennsylvania

Hisham Ibrahim, AfriNIC

Borka Jerman Blažič, President, Internet Society-Slovenia

Richard Jimmerson, Chief Information Officer, American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

Merike Kaeo, Security Evangelist, Internet Identity

Hadriel Kaplan, VP of Technology, Acme Packet

Shane Kerr, Director of DNS Software, Internet Systems Consortium (ISC)

Eric Klinker, Chief Executive Officer, BitTorrent

Olaf Kolkman, Director, NLnet Labs

Jitender Kumar, Technical Account Manager, Afilias Limited

Max Henry Larson, Founder and President, Transversal

Jacques Latour, Director of IT, CIRA

Richard Lamb, DNSSEC Program Manager, ICANN

Martin Levy, Director, Hurricane Electric

Martin Levy, CloudFlare

Simeon Lisec, Expert, Telekom Slovenije

Cricket Liu, General Manager, IPv6 Center of Excellence, Infoblox

Robert Martin-Legène, Internet Infrastructure Specialist, Packet Clearing House

Carlos Martinez, Chief Technology Officer, LACNIC

Yoshinobu Matsuzaki, Senior Engineer, Internet Initiative Japan Inc.

Glenn McKnight, Vice President, Internet Society Canada

Danny McPherson, VeriSign

Dr. Shin Miyakawa, Director, Technology Development Department NTT Communications Corporation

Paul Mockapetris, Chairman, Chief Scientist, Nominum, Inc.

Dr. Sandra Murphy, Principal Investigator, Sparta, Inc. (Parsons)

Badri Narayanan Parthasarathy, Vice President, Global IP/MPLS Engineering, Network & Services Engineering, Tata Communications (India)

Frederico Neves, Chief Technology Officer, NIC.BR

Janvier Ngnoulaye, ICT Manager, IGNU

Vivek Nigam, Member Services Manager, APNIC

Irena Nikolova, Network Engineer, Google

Kaname Nishizuka, Network Engineer, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT)

Christian O’Flaherty, Senior Development Manager for Latin America Bureau, Internet Society

Patrick Okui, Network Engineer and Trainer, Network Startup Resource Center

Krzysztof Olesik, DNS Technical Team Manager, NASK

Shernon Osepa, Manager, Regional Affairs for Latin America & the Caribbean Bureau, Internet Society

Eric Osterweil, Applied Security Researcher in the CSO Office, Verisign

Ivan Pepelnjak, Chief Technology Advisor, NIL Data Communications

Jiří Průša, Project Coordinator, CZ.NIC Association

Gerardo Rada, LACNIC

Marlon Raghunanan, Technical Services Manager, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad

Thilini Rajakaruna, Head of Electronics and Telecommunications Section, South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM)

Alvaro Retana, Distinguished Engineer, Cisco Technical Services

Régison Rodrigo Martins, Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados, Brazil

Valdinei Rodrigues dos Reis, Network Analyst, Unesp

Arturo Servin, Chief Technology Officer, LACNIC

Richard Shockey, Chairman of the Board of Directors, SIP Forum

Krzysztof Silicki, Director for Cooperation with ENISA, NASK

Rajnesh Singh, Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau Director, Internet Society

John Spence, Vice President, IP Services, Nephos6

Steve Spence, CTO, ArkiTechs Inc.

Bill St. Arnaud, Green IT Consultant at St. Arnaud-Walker and Associates Inc.

Sander Steffann, IPv6 specialist, SJM Steffann Consultancy

Carsten Strotmann, DNSSEC and IPv6 Specialist, Men & Mice

Andrew Sullivan, Principal Architect, Dyn

Sashika Suren, Senior Systems Engineer, LK Domain Registry

John Sweeting, Director of Network Engineering, Time Warner Cable

Kevon Swift, External Relations Officer for the Caribbean, LACNIC

Marvin Thomas, IP Engineer, Digicel Trinidad and Tobago

Daniel Tibor Fuchs, Chief Innovation Officer, DATORA Telecom

Pete Toscano, Network Operations Manager, ARIN

Nathalie Kunneke-Trenaman, Trainer, RIPE NCC

Akihiro Tsuru, Manager, KDDI CORPORATION

Roland van Rijswijk, Technical Product Manager, SURFnet

Leandro Vieira Rodrigues, Brazilian Public Administration

Patrik Wallström, Senior Researcher, .SE

Duane Wessels, Principal Engineer, VeriSign

Dave Wilson, Project Manager, HEAnet

Timothy Winters, Senior Manager, UNH-IOL

Bevil Wooding, Internet Strategist, Packet Clearing House

Andrew Yourtchenko, Technical Leader, Systems Network Operating Systems Technology, Cisco

Jan Žorž, Co-founder, Go6 Institute

Benjamin Zwittnig, DNS Specialist, Arnes