The Week in Internet News: IT Pros Know IoT Security Needs Work, But They Aren’t There Yet Thumbnail
Technology 2 April 2018

The Week in Internet News: IT Pros Know IoT Security Needs Work, But They Aren’t There Yet

Grant Gross
By Grant GrossGuest AuthorTechnology Reporter

What IoT security problem? Most IT professionals realize the Internet of things poses some security risks, but less than a third of them actively monitor for third-party IoT security problems, according to a survey detailed at ZDNet. More than a third of those surveyed said that nobody in their organization is responsible for reviewing the risk-management policies of their IoT vendors.

Some security risks, only faster: Meanwhile, the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security is warning organizations that 5G mobile service may bring the same security risks as earlier mobile standards have. Known flaws in SS7 and Diameter, the signaling protocols used in 2G, 3G, and 4G, could end up in 5G, and allow traffic to be eavesdropped or spoofed, reports ARN.

Community broadband for net neutrality: The American Civil Liberties Union is urging U.S. cities to build their own broadband networks as a way to protect net neutrality principles, now that the Federal Communications Commission has repealed its related regulations. The Hill has a story. Many small U.S. cities are already building their own, in an effort to provide faster or cheaper service than commercial providers, Governing Magazine says.

Fake news in the news: Malaysia has proposed a stiff, 10-year prison sentence for people who create or circulate fake news, reports Time. Apparently, the government there will decide what’s fake news and what’s not. Facebook, frequently criticized as the transmission network for a lot of fake news, is taking a different approach, the company said. The social network has hired third-party fact checkers and has begun actively searching for foreign pages that produce false content, according to Engadget.

Buy this box and break encryption: The U.S. Department of State has reportedly purchased a $15,000 device used to crack the encryption on iPhones, Motherboard reports. The purchase from encryption-breaking company Grayshift came from the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, the agency’s law enforcement and security arm.

Encryption with less power needed: Merging our frequent IoT security and encryption topics is a story from All About Circuits, saying researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have dreamed up a public-key encryption chip that reduces encryption energy consumption by 99.75 percent. The chip is aimed at IoT devices that have limited energy and memory resources but need better security tools as much as any technology.

Learn more about IoT, including what you can do to make it more secure.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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