The Week in Internet News: Facebook to Fact-Check Videos and Photos Thumbnail
Technology 17 September 2018

The Week in Internet News: Facebook to Fact-Check Videos and Photos

Grant Gross
By Grant GrossGuest AuthorTechnology Reporter

Fight against fakes: Facebook plans to fact-check videos and photos posted on the social media platform in an effort to combat misinformation, reports the Associated Press on Fact-checkers will use several methods, including analyzing image metadata, to determine accuracy, and Facebook will label photos and videos that are fakes, the company said.

Regulating IoT: A controversial Internet of Things security bill has passed the California legislature, ZDNet reports. The bill requires IoT device makers to build in “reasonable security,” but the legislation is vague about what that might entail, critics say. Still, it’s the first bill passed in the U.S. that addresses IoT security.

Fake reports of fake news law’s demise: Malaysia’s opposition party has blocked efforts to repeal a controversial law that penalizes the spread of fake news, reports. Critics say the law, which includes penalties of up to six years in prison for spreading misleading information, is an attack on free speech, but the Senate blocked the repeal in a challenge to the new government of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.

Angry Birds tackles blockchain: We’ve talked about a lot of potential uses of blockchain technology here, but this is a new one. The founders of Cocos2d-x, the open-source game development platform that has created Angry Birds and other mobile games, has raised $40 million for a blockchain-based gaming platform, Forbes says. Blockchain can help validate transactions within games, backers said.

Are you my wife or an AI? There’s a lot of people worried about the potential for Artificial Intelligence, with some now concerned about AI’s potential ability to fake human voices, Newsweek reports. Think about the implications of an AI faking your spouse’s voice, or an army general’s.

Cryptomining your TV: Users of the Kodi media player, which is designed for TVs and other streaming uses, have been targeted by crytomining malware, ZDNet reports. At least three repositories of Kodi add-ons have been infected with the malware. Kodi can be used to stream Hulu and other legal services but is often deployed to stream pirated content.

Wouldn’t it be nice…if you could trust your device? Read the discussion paper IoT Security for Policymakers to learn the key issues and challenges of IoT security, along with guiding principles and recommendations.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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