Chapters > Chapters Advisory Council > Steering Committee > 2021 Chapters Advisory Council Steering Committee

2021 Chapters Advisory Council Steering Committee

Members per Region

Pierre-Jean Darres (Canada Québec Chapter)
Region: North America
Position: Steering Committee Chair

Wadzanai Ndlovu (Zimbabwe Chapter)
Region: Africa
Position: Steering Committee Vice Chair

Satish Babu (India Trivandrum Chapter)
Region: Asia-Pacific
Position: Steering Committee Secretary

Nabil Bukhalid (Lebanon Chapter)
Region: Middle East

Jordi Domingo-Pascual (Spain Catalonia Chapter)
Region: Europe

Roberto Zambrana (Bolivia Chapter)
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean

Non-geographical Members

Adebunmi Akinbo (Nigeria Chapter)

Anna Amoomo
(Namibia Chapter)

German M. Fajardo Muriel (Colombia Chapter)

Adebunmi Akinbo

Adebunmi Adeola Akinbo is the CEO of DNS Africa Media and Communications. He is the Founder/Team Lead for Community NetHUBs Africa, Culture Games Africa, and sits on the board of trustees for Africa ICT Foundation (AfICTF). Adebunmi is a member of the Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA) Community. He was a pioneer member of the board of trustees, served as…

Anna Amoomo

HR officer turned Tech enthusiasts and the current president of the Internet Society, Namibia Chapter. She is an Africa youth mobile trainee 2019, an Internet Society Fellow, and an Africa Coding Week trainer. She was recently appointed by the Ministry of Information Communication and Technology in Namibia to be a member of the Cyber Security Committee. She holds an Advance…

Satish Babu

Satish Babu is an active volunteer in multiple organizations including Internet Society, ICANN and IEEE, and has been a member of Internet Society since 2009. He is the founder-Chair of ISOC India Trivandrum Chapter and has been involved with the ChAC Steering Committee since 2018. He is currently the Chair of APRALO and APSIG. Satish is a co-founder of the…

Nabil Bukhalid

Nabil Bukhalid is the President of Internet Society Lebanon Chapter, an Internet evangelist and Internet Hall of Fame inductee. Nabil is currently consulting in areas including Internet infrastructure and services, economic and social development utilizing technology, open data and the Internet, datacenters and cloud services, higher education networks, project management, Internet governance and intersection of Internet policy and technology. He…

Wadzanai Chihombori Ndlovu

Wadzanai Ndlovu works at the intersection of Policy, Access to information and the Internet, an information scientist by profession. She works extensively with both civil society and public institutions, offering her input on policy development and implementation. Beyond Internet Society, Wadzanai’s passion lies in bridging the digital divide and connecting the unconnected, especially the marginalized societies. Experience and interest…

Pierre-Jean Darres

Pierre-Jean is a private advisor in international development, supporting organizations, governments and companies in their growth within and towards foreign markets. He advises on various industries and sectors, including Internet and related technologies and services. Pierre-Jean has been Treasurer and Secretary of the Internet Society Canada Québec Chapter since 2017. He is also part of the Beyond The Net Large…

Jordi Domingo-Pascual

Jordi Domingo-Pascual is a Full Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTECH), where he specializes in computer networks and ethics in research and innovation, and new network architectures. Jordi has been an Internet Society member since 2002, an ISOC-CAT member since 2004, and an ISOC-CAT chapter delegate since 2015. He joined the ISOC-CAT board in 2017 and became…

German M. Fajardo Muriel

German Fajardo Muriel is an Electrical Engineer and Telematics Specialist from the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá Colombia), with a postgraduate degree in Management and Business Administration (MBA) from Northeastern University (Boston – USA).  He has more than 29 years of professional experience in the telecommunications and ICT sector…

Roberto Zambrana

Roberto Zambrana is from La Paz, Bolivia. He is an electronics and telecommunications engineer and has a Master´s degree in telecommunications. He also has taken several post-graduate courses on wireless and computer networks, has a higher education diploma and currently he is a PhD candidate in the network security field. He has been working in telecommunications, information systems and Internet…