Defending the Internet
in the United Nations

Whether they know it or not, governments are increasingly adopting misguided policies that are slowly making the Internet less open, secure, and accessible.

These policy decisions are often made in forums like the United Nations, with limited input from non-government stakeholders.

The Internet should not be regulated or shaped in a top-down manner. Its governance should be determined by processes that are inclusive and driven by consensus. We get better answers to global questions when a range of experts and interested parties can meaningfully participate in the discussion, known as the multistakeholder approach.

Creating a clear and simple way for everyone—regardless of background—to bring their voice to the governance table is critical to preserving the open, accessible Internet we know and love today.

Why the Multistakeholder Approach Works

The Internet is open, interconnected, and transnational. The multistakeholder approach is in the Internet’s DNA and allows it to thrive. It is what ensures its borderless nature and provides for open-ended unleashed innovation. Internet standards are a great example of the benefits of diverse participation. They keep the Internet running as smoothly as we expect, especially if agreed openly and collaboratively. Thanks to Internet standards, the Internet works in the same way for everyone, everywhere.

We work to remove barriers to standards adoption and open doors for everyone to have their say regarding how Internet policies and standards are developed.

two men and a woman engaged in a discussion

Addressing Lack of Trust in the Internet

We will focus on reaffirming the multistakeholder approach and reinforcing the Internet Society as a trusted and expert partner by:

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