Rounding out the translations of our IPv6 Fact Sheet and our DNSSEC Fact Sheet into the six official U.N. languages, we are pleased to announce that the Arabic versions are now available:
From the IPv6 Fact Sheet and the DNSSEC Fact Sheet pages you can now get these fact sheets in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.
As we noted in our earlier posts about the IPv6 Fact Sheet and about the DNSSEC Fact Sheet, these simple documents are available for you to use in whatever way you wish. Please feel free to download them and share them widely.
Please do let us know any feedback you have on these documents. Our goal is to help you get IPv6 and DNSSEC deployed within your organizations and networks. Please let us know how we can help.
And if you want to get started with IPv6 or DNSSEC, please visit our Start Here page to find resources to help you get started!