Gonzalo Camarillo is the 2016-2021 Chair of the Internet Society Board of Trustees. He is the Head of Implementation Components at Ericsson, at the office of the CTO, where he also heads Ericsson's OSPO (Open Source Program Office). He serves on the Board of Directors of the IETF LLC.
Dr. Camarillo has been actively involved in the IETF community for many years. He has authored several RFCs, and served in both the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) and the IAB (Internet Architecture Board). He has also chaired a number of working groups in several areas and has served in several directorates.
In the past, Dr. Camarillo funded and headed the Advanced Multimedia Research Laboratory at Ericsson Research Finland. He also worked for Ericsson Research as Principal Researcher in the area of Services and Software, and for an Ericsson business unit as principal systems expert. He has published several scientific papers, patents and books.
Gonzalo Camarillo holds an MBA from AEE (Aalto University Executive Education; Finland), a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Aalto University (Finland), and two MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering from KTH (Royal Institute of Technology; Sweden) and UPM (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid; Spain). As part of his PhD studies, he was a visitor researcher at Columbia University (USA).
Image credit: © Renaud Philippe