Internet Exchange Points 22 February 2012

Armenian Internet Exchange Project

By Internet SocietyGuest Author

Starting up the Armenian Internet Exchange project

Armenian Internet Traffic Exchange “Armix” Foundation in collaboration with Web LLC, Internet Society AM, Union of Information Technology Enterprises is implementing “Starting up the Armenian Internet Exchange project, supported by Internet Society and aimed to build the capacity of ARMIX-Armenian Internet Exchange to insure the high level and quality of local traffic exchange infrastructure.

The main factor of success was the consolidation of local and international partners and their active involvement in the project. Besides main counterparts of the project, the supportive attitude of AMS=IX, Euro-IX and personally Henk Steeman and Serge Radkovich allowed us to acquire BigIron 15000 which will provide us the opportunity to provide high quality of traffic exchange and other services not only in Armenia, but potentially at a regional level as well.

Posted: 3 August 2011 by armix

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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