Deploy360 20 February 2012

Network World Reports on IPv6 Week and World IPv6 Launch – Encourages Participation

By Dan YorkSenior Director, Internet Technology and Communication

NetworkWorldOver on Network World in their “Core Networking and Security” area, Scott Hogg recently published a great piece about IPv6 Week and World IPv6 week. He starts out talking about last year’s World IPv6 Day and then describes the IPv6 Week effort focused in Latin America. His conclusion? (my emphasis added)

This event ends today and it appears that it had similar results to World IPv6 Day. No significant problems were encountered and many organizations learned a lot about IPv6 through the process of preparing for and participating in IPv6 Week. You can track their Tweets about the event by looking for #ipv6week and #semanaIPv6.

He then provides an excellent introduction to the upcoming World IPv6 Launch on June 6, 2012, talking about how organizations of all types as well as individuals can get involved with the effort and start using IPv6.

I enjoyed the way he ended the piece:

Regardless, even if you have not yet deployed IPv6, you should be cognizant that there are others on the Internet who are starting to use IPv6 and they prefer to communicate with you over IPv6. At the very least, you should be aware of these IPv6 events and the subtle impacts they may have on your organization. However, for the vast majority of users these events will be “non-events” and show the world that IPv6 is not something to be afraid of.

I encourage you to expand your skill-set and learn more about IPv6 and try to get your organization to a point where they can actively participate in these events. You will learn something cool and new and help your organization take steps toward the eventual adoption of IPv6.

Thanks, Scott, for encouraging that activity! And please do note that we’ve provided lots of information on this site about how to get started with IPv6 and welcome any suggestions about how we can provide even more assistance!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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