Deploy360 6 June 2013

World IPv6 Launch Media Report #1 – Mythic Beasts, Telefonica in Peru, Municipal WiFI, CloudFlare and more…

By Dan YorkSenior Director, Internet Technology and Communication

World IPv6 Launch LogoWe’ve been thrilled to see all the articles, stories, blog posts, news releases and other media appearing about the anniversary of World IPv6 Launch. The stories are still streaming in and we’re tracking them through mechanisms like the #v6launch and #IPv6 hashtags on Twitter and on Google+.  Here are just a few of the many articles we found interesting today:

  • IPv6 Launch Day – One Year Later – In this Enterprise Networking Planet piece, Sean Michael Kerner interviewed the Internet Society’s Phil Roberts to catch up on what has changed in the last year.
  • Happy IPv6 Day: Usage On the Rise, Attacks Too – The good folks at CloudFlare gave some stats around the IPv6 traffic they are seeing and also detailed a couple of attacks they have seen over IPv6. They also provided their guesses as to when we turn off IPv4 on either a linear or exponential case. Needless to say, we hope it’s closer to the exponential side of things!
  • IPv6-Enabled Municipal WiFi Network in Douglasville, GA – While we don’t usually write about news releases related to IPv6 products or services, we did think this was a very cool milestone – the deployment of an IPv6-enabled municipal WiFi network in Douglasville, GA. From the news release: “The municipal WiFi network covers about 60 acres collectively, including downtown Douglasville, making it one of the largest public WiFi networks in Georgia.”  Apparently this was paid for by Google as part of its community outreach program and the company doing the deployment, Network Utility Force, also has  a TV interview online (and photos) where they explain the project more.  It would be great to see more of these municipal WiFi networks launch with IPv6 from the beginning!
  • IPv6 in action: How Mythic Beasts does it – This piece on TechRepublic provides a case study in how Mythic Beasts, a hosting provider in the UK, has set up their systems to work over IPv6. Great to see technical pieces like this.
  • Telefonica Pushes Ahead with IPV6 Support in Peru – Telefónica indicated that it has selected Peru as its first country for a wide IPv6 deployment. They also issued a press release reaffirming their support for IPv6 and stating that they are leading IPv6 deployment in Latin America.
  • IPv6: Less Talk and More Walk – Over on CircleID, Bruce Sinclair had an interesting post about how they had tracked the “buzz” around IPv6 across tweets, blogs and news stories and found that there was less buzz and more just getting IPv6 done.
  • Future Internet gets boost, courtesy of IPv6! – The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) had a nice short post out but what I enjoyed was their note that ENISA was the first EU agency to adopt IPv6 way back in 2009!

Plus a great article from our friends at RIPE Labs that we’ll cover separately.

All great to see!

P.S. And while we generally don’t write about ads here, I will give a shoutout to Fluke Networks for posting to Google+ the only advertisement I’ve seen today that specifically calls out “World IPv6 Day”.  (Note to Fluke: We’ve only used “Day” back in 2011, but hey you’re not alone in that given other articles out there.)

P.P.S. And if you are looking to get started with IPv6, please check out our IPv6 resources, particularly our new tutorial on making content available over IPv6.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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