INET Trinidad & Tobago Covers IPv6, DNSSEC, Privacy, IXPs, CyberSecurity, and More This Week Thumbnail
Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) 6 October 2014

INET Trinidad & Tobago Covers IPv6, DNSSEC, Privacy, IXPs, CyberSecurity, and More This Week

By Shernon OsepaFormer Director, Caribbean Affairs and Development

This week, we are organizing INET Trinidad & Tobago, on 8-9 October 2014. The Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad & Tobago (TATT), which is the local telecoms and broadcasting regulator, is hosting this event. INET is the brand name that the Internet Society uses for its events that deal with wider Internet-related topics. INETs can be locally, regionally, or even globally focused. This INET is to get the local community acquainted with Internet challenges and how to be engaged with addressing these challenges.

The world is changing and we know that the only constant is change. The Internet is challenging traditional telecoms, which is why all stakeholders need to be acquainted with the opportunities that the Internet brings. In addition to opportunities, there are challenges and this is exactly where this INET comes into play.

Cyber security is a big challenge in the Caribbean. Governments, policymakers, the business community, academia, and civil society all need to work together to achieve the best results in a given situation.

INET Trinidad & Tobago will focus on some key technical and policy areas including:

  • IP numbering (IPv4 depletion, IPv6 adoption)
  • RPKI
  • Net neutrality
  • OTT
  • The future of the Internet
  • Cyber security
  • IXPs
  • Identity and Privacy
  • ccTLD management
  • Local Internet content development

From the Internet Society, experts such as Raul Echeberria, Jane Coffin, Sebastian Bellagamba, Christian O’Flaherty, Christine Runnegar, and Shernon Osepa will be participating.

In addition to the Internet Society’s presenters, some key Caribbean experts such as Bernadette Lewis (CTU), Regenie Fraser (CANTO), Bevil Wooding (PCH), Brent McIntosh (IPv6 Forum Grenada), Kurleigh Prescod (Columbus Communications), Dr. Patrick Hosein (UWI) will be presenting as well.

The event will be webcast live here on both days. We hope you will tune in online or join us in person!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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