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Building Trust 5 March 2015

Coordinating Attack Response at Internet Scale

By Mat FordTechnology Program Manager
Mohamed Hefeeda
Mohamed HefeedaGuest Author

How do we help coordinate responses to attacks against Internet infrastructure and users? Internet technology has to scale or it won’t survive for long as the network of networks grows ever larger. But it’s not just the technology, it’s also the people, processes and organisations involved in developing, operating and evolving the Internet that need ways to scale up to the challenges that a growing global network can create.

One such challenge is the unwanted traffic, ranging from spam and other forms of messaging-related abuse to multi-gigabit distributed denial of service attacks, that Internet users and service providers of all kinds are subject to. Numerous incident response efforts exist to mitigate the effects of these attacks. Some are focused on specific attack types, while others are closed analysis and sharing groups spanning many attack types.

In an effort to bring together operators, researchers, CSIRT team members, service providers, vendors, information sharing and analysis centre members to discuss approaches to coordinating attack response at Internet scale, the Internet Society is working with the Internet Architecture Board to develop and host a one-day “Coordinating Attack Response at Internet Scale (CARIS) Workshop” intended to help bridge the many communities working on attack response on the Internet and to foster dialogue about how we collaborate together.

In particular we will be helping to build up a shared directory of incident response organisations and other efforts to help improve information sharing with and coordination between these diverse groups. We believe that having a clearer picture of the range of efforts around the globe and the most helpful ways to share incident-related information will improve the scalability of the overall attack response effort.

The workshop will take place on June 19, 2015 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Berlin, and is hosted by the 27th annual FIRST Conference.

Workshop information including the call for papers can be found here:  The deadline for submitting papers is April 3, 2015.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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