Registration Opens TOMORROW for the ISOC Briefing Panel at IETF 93 Thumbnail
Growing the Internet 8 July 2015

Registration Opens TOMORROW for the ISOC Briefing Panel at IETF 93

By Megan KruseFormer Director, Advocacy and Communications
Ivan R. Mendez
Ivan R. MendezGuest Author

As we announced last week, we will once again hold our traditional ISOC@IETF Briefing Panel on Tuesday, 21 July in Prague alongside IETF 93. This time, the topic is Tackling Connectivity Diversity: Protocol Challenges for Constrained Radio Networks and Devices.”

Registration opens TOMORROW, Thursday, 9 July, in two batches at 09:00 UTC and 21:00 UTC for global time zone fairness. Due to high demand for limited seating, pre-registration is required to attend the Briefing Panel in person.

The Briefing Panel will also be webcast and audiocast. No registration is required. Watch this Internet Technology Matters blog or the session page for details.


In many areas, Internet connectivity is primarily via low-end mobile devices capable of only 2G or 3G connections to cellular networks. But many application developers live and work with much faster computing platforms and networking environments. Does the infrastructure need to change to accommodate the continuing use of these devices? Is this a transient condition of uneven development, or do we need to re-architect and re-design systems to better cope with connectivity diversity?

Key transports had assumptions built on wireline networks. The next billion users won’t be on wireline networks, and even current users with access to both wireless and wireline networks use wireless networks more often. What does designing for the networks they *will* be on look like – whether at the transport layer or in the application, or at the interface between the two?

In this session during IETF 93, panelists will try to better understand the diversity of Internet connectivity and terminals, and discuss the challenges and responses to these modes of Internet connectivity including:

  • How application developers are dealing with terminal and connectivity diversity
  • Considerations for protocol developers
  • How restricted connectivity impacts user behavior
  • Design principles that could be extrapolated from the data and the technical responses to date
  • How power management and connectivity management interact

TBD, Internet Society

Ted Hardie, independent
Blake Matheny, Facebook
Henning Wiemann, Ericsson

We hope you can join us, either in person or online, for this interesting panel!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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