Deploy360 17 February 2016

Deploy360 @ APRICOT 2016

By Kevin MeynellGuest AuthorNominee for the Internet Society Board of Trustees

APRICOT 2016Next week sees the start of the APRICOT Conference in Auckland, New Zealand, although the training workshops already kicked off this week. Kevin Meynell from the Deploy360 team will be presenting in a couple of sessions and participating in another, along with other members of the Internet Society’s Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau.

APRICOT is the annual network operations conference for the Asia-Pacific region, and will also co-locate APNIC 41 as well as meetings of APStar, APTLD, APIX and other regional networking organisations. APRICOT is organised by the Asia-Pacific Internet Association (APIA) which is supported by APNIC along with the Internet Society, NSRC, InternetNZ, TWNIC, APTLD, APJII and THNIC.

The Internet Society has its own session (ISOC@APRICOT) on Tuesday, 23 February 2016 from 16.30 to 18.30 in the Epsom Room of the SkyCity Convention Centre. This will include a presentation on the Deploy360, BCOP and MANRS work, so worth checking out if you have interest in any of these topics.

Kevin will also be presenting on ISOC’s internal state of IPv6 readiness at IPv6 Readiness Measurement BoF and APIPv6 Task Force session on Wednesday, 24 February 2016 from 16.00 to 19.00 in the NZ 1 Room. This has proved to be quite an interesting exercise in discovering how much one’s own organisation actually practices what it preaches!

And finally something completely different, with Kevin having been invited to contribute to the ‘Tech Girls Get Together’ session earlier on the Tuesday (12.30-14.00) on the inspirations and influences that get people involved in IT and networking in the first place.

If you happen to be at APRICOT, please come and find us as we’re always happy to talk about technology and how we can make the Internet a better place.

And if you want to get started deploying IPv6, DNSSEC and other technologies, please visit our Start Here page to begin!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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