Cybersecurity and Access – Top Two Policy Concerns in Asia-Pacific Thumbnail
Growing the Internet 10 October 2016

Cybersecurity and Access – Top Two Policy Concerns in Asia-Pacific

By Rajnesh SinghFormer Regional Vice President - Asia-Pacific

Findings from the recently released third annual Internet Society Survey on Policy Issues in Asia-Pacific indicate that Internet access and cybersecurity are the top two concerns for survey respondents. Cybersecurity, in particular, was seen as an area that needs most urgent attention by policymakers.

The survey polled almost 2,000 end-users from across the Asia-Pacific region on their attitudes towards current Internet policy issues.

One encouraging indication from the survey results is that connectivity looks to be improving significantly in the region – 70% stated that they had experienced better Internet speed and 55% saw a drop in the cost of their Internet subscription.

However, improved Internet access also means a greater need to maintain trust in the Internet and all that it enables. The elements of trust online are multi-faceted and these were reflected in the survey’s findings.  A large proportion of the respondents cited data protection as crucial for building confidence in the Internet.  More than half also felt that consumer protection, transparency, and the ability to communicate confidentially were more important than content, service, technology and applications.

Access and Trust issues are focus areas for the Internet Society, and the survey results reinforce the importance of both these issues. Bringing the unconnected online and ensuring the Internet remains a trusted medium for users are key for the Internet’s continued success.

Read the full Asia-Pacific Regional Internet Policy Survey 2016 report here

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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