Deploy360 2 September 2017

Deploy360 in South Africa, Singapore and Australia

By Kevin MeynellGuest AuthorNominee for the Internet Society Board of Trustees

It’s a busy time for the Deploy360 team this week, with Jan, Kevin and Megan organising and presenting at the ION Durban on Thursday (7 September 2017). This is part of the wider iWeek 2017 that includes SAFNOG 3, ISPA and AfriNIC training amongst several other meetings.

Our colleague Aftab though, will be presenting on MANRS at the 5th Singapore Network Operators Group (SGNOG 5) on the Tuesday (5 September 2017), and then at the Australian Network Operators Group (AusNOG 2017) on the Thursday (7 September 2017).

AusNOGThere’s plenty of other things interest at these events as well, with Geoff Huston (APNIC Labs) presenting at both on the Internet-of-Things and the quality and manageability challenges of essentially unmanaged devices.

At SGNOG, there will be an extensive overview of IPv6 deployment in Japan from Izumi Okutani (JPNIC), Koji Yasukagawa (Softbank), Takashi Ito (DoCoMo) and Manabu Ito (KDDI), covering areas such as mobile networks and user behaviour, whilst David Conrad (ICANN) will cover DNSSEC. For those interested in IoT, the presentation from Christopher Lek (Honeynet Singapore) on IoT botnets is also worth checking out.

At AusNOG, talks from Jon Brewer are usually worth listening to, and the ‘Future is up in the Sky’ shouldn’t be an exception. There’s also a talk on protocol evolution and its impact on network operators from Mark Nottingham, whilst Internet Exchange Etiquette in the Digital Era from Raphael Ho (Equinix) and “The Past, Present, and Future of NTP Operations” by Paul Gear (Network Time Foundation) resonates with the work being undertaken by ISOC.

Not directly related to Deploy360, but there’s also presentations on 400 & 800G Ethernet, as well as on Ansible and network automation at both events. Other interesting presentations are the challenges of building the Australia National Broadband Network at AusNOG, and on Cloud Traffic Engineering at SGNOG.

If you’re attending any of these events, please come and say hello.

Further Information

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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