Deploy360 at IETF 100, Day 1: IPv6 and IoT Thumbnail
Deploy360 12 noviembre 2017

Deploy360 at IETF 100, Day 1: IPv6 and IoT

Por Kevin MeynellGuest AuthorNominee for the Internet Society Board of Trustees

This week is the one hundredth meeting of the IETF in Singapore, and to celebrate the occasion we’re bringing you daily blog posts highlighting some of the topics that Deploy360 is interested in. And once again, Monday is our busiest day with no fewer than 7 working groups covering the areas of IPv6 and the Internet-of-Things.

The day kicks off at 09.30 SGT/UTC+8 with DNSOP (which continues on Thursday) and has a full agenda with 11 drafts up for discussion. An important draft discussing the RFC5011 rollover strategy has failed to reach consensus, with another draft defining and clarifying DNS terminology requiring further review.

The Working Group has picked up a draft on extending error messages to better report the cause of DNS and DNSSEC failures, whilst the draft updating RFC6761 to ensure «localhost» can be safely relied upon as a name for the local host’s loopback interface should now be close to WGLC. There’s also Deploy360 involvement in a new draft on the requirements for a validator to be able to perform accurate validation, with Dan York being one of the co-authors.

NOTE: If you are unable to attend IETF 100 in person, there are multiple ways to participate remotely.

Running at the same time is LPWAN that also has a busy agenda with 8 drafts being discussed. This includes an informational overview of the LPWAN technologies being considered by the IETF, and others related to IPv6 header fragmentation and compression and ICMPv6 usage over LPWANs.

After lunch is V6OPS at 13.30 SGT/UTC+8 (which continues on Thursday). This will start with a case on study on IPv6-only deployment at Cisco, before moving to discussing common scenarios for connecting an enterprise network to multiple ISPs using address space assigned by an ISP. Another interesting draft is an extension to the Happy Eyeballs protocol in order to report IPv6 failures that force the fall-back to IPv4 and facilitate the troubleshooting of IPv6 network

Also running in parallel is IDR, that has two proposals for addressing the problem of route leaks – Methods for Detection and Mitigation of BGP Route Leaks, and Route Leak Prevention using Roles in Update and Open messages.

Following the afternoon break, there’s a choice of two IoT and IPv6 related Working Groups at 15.50 SGT/UTC+8. Homenet develops protocols for residential networks based on IPv6, and is discussing a variety of updated and new drafts. How the Babel routing protocol can be used in conjunction with the HNCP protocol in a Homenet scenario is currently in WGLC, whilst there’s a new version of the name resolution and service discovery architecture for homenets.

Over at 6TiSCH, the main items for discussion are related to the 6top protocol that enables distributed scheduling, and defining the security functionality.

The day concludes with IPWAVE at 17.40 SGT/UTC+8. This is discussing a specification for transmitting IPv6 datagrams over IEEE 802.11-OCB in Vehicle-to-Internet and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure communicationsdefining the use cases for IP-based vehicular networks, and will cover IPv6 Neighbour Discovery in Vehicle Networks time permitting.

Please note that the TLS meeting scheduled for today has been cancelled, although the planned session on Wednesday (09.30-12.00 SGT/UTC+8) will still go ahead. 

For more background, please read the Rough Guide to IETF 100 from Olaf, Dan, Andrei, Steve, Karen and myself.

Relevant Working Groups

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