Promoting RIPE-690 @ Netnod Thumbnail
Deploy360 13 March 2018

Promoting RIPE-690 @ Netnod

By Kevin MeynellGuest AuthorNominee for the Internet Society Board of Trustees

Our colleague Jan Žorž will be promoting RIPE-690 “Best Current Operational Practice: IPv6 prefix assignment for end-users – persistent vs non-persistent, and what size to choose” as the opening keynote at the forthcoming Netnod Meeting on 14-15 March 2018 in the Sheraton Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden.

RIPE-690 outlines best current operational practices for the assignment of IPv6 prefixes (i.e. a block of IPv6 addresses) for end-users, as making wrong choices when designing an IPv6 network will eventually have negative implications for deployment and require further effort such as renumbering when the network is already in operation. This was published in late 2017 after a year of intensive work by IPv6 experts around the world, supported by the Internet Society’s Deploy360 programme.

Netnod is a neutral, not-for-profit Internet infrastructure organisation based in Sweden that operates six Internet exchange points (IXPs) in five different cities where network operators can connect and exchange traffic.

There’s also several other interesting talks on the agenda, including trends in Internet-of-Things Distributed-Denial-of-Service botnets, prudent TLS, how to practically deploy IPv6 in the mass-market, how clouds are making new demands for connectivity and hyperconnected datacentres, and establishing research networks in Arctic environments, plus a panel session on the future of peering in the Nordic countries.

There’s still time to register, which is free provided you turn up!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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