The Week in Internet News: AI Ain’t Gonna Steal My Job Thumbnail
Technology 12 March 2018

The Week in Internet News: AI Ain’t Gonna Steal My Job

Grant Gross
By Grant GrossGuest AuthorTechnology Reporter

AI on the job: Many U.S. residents believe that artificial intelligence will replace some workers over the next decade or so, but it won’t take theirs, according to a story in the New York Times. But it’s not all doom and gloom, because advances in AI and robotics can actually create more jobs, Tim Johnson, CEO of IT staffing firm Mondo, writes in Forbes.

Fixing the IoT: The U.K. government issued a set of guidelines for Internet-of-things device makers to better secure their products. Among the recommendations: Issue regular software updates, get rid of default passwords, and warn customers promptly about vulnerabilities. Ok, so it’s not rocket science, but it seems that some IoT device makers haven’t done some of these things in the past. Some critics also believe the guidelines lack teeth, according to a story in ITpro.

The Blockchain election: The use of Blockchain technologies could help resolve some continuing problems with voting, according to a story by Bitcoin Magazine run on The use of a Blockchain ledger could address the old “hanging chad” problem from the 2000 U.S. election, and it could bring new privacy and security to elections, according to the story.

Dr. Doom weighs in: Not everyone is excited about Blockchain, however. Noted economist Nouriel Roubini, known in some circles as Dr. Doom for his pessimistic economic outlook, has called Blockchain “one of the most overhyped technologies ever,” according to CNBC. Running a Blockchain ledger can be less efficient than existing databases, because all transactions must be verified cryptographically, he suggested.

Robots in the fast lane: Waymo, the self-driving vehicle company under the umbrella of Google parent Alphabet, will launch a pilot program to test AI-controlled 18-wheel trucks beginning next week, Engadget reports. Car drivers should be relieved that trained drivers will be riding along during the pilot program, in case of problems with the autonomous AI.

It knows what you’re thinking: A research project in Japan has come up with an AI that can tell what’s on our mind by analyzing your brain scans, reports Digital Trends. After looking at your MRI brain scan, the AI can provide a written description of what you’ve been looking at. Spooky!

Learn more about IoT, including what you can do to make it more secure.

Are you a manufacturer wondering how to make your products more secure? See the Online Trust Alliance’s IoT Trust Framework, which provides guidance for device manufacturers and developers to enhance the security, privacy, and sustainability of their devices and the data they collect.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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