At RSA USA 2018 in San Francisco this week? Join the IoT Security conversation on Tuesday, April 17 Thumbnail
Internet of Things (IoT) 16 April 2018

At RSA USA 2018 in San Francisco this week? Join the IoT Security conversation on Tuesday, April 17

By Dan YorkSenior Director, Internet Technology and Communication

Are you attending the RSA USA 2018 Conference this week in San Francisco? If so, please plan to join this panel session happening Tuesday, April 17, 2018, from 3:30 – 4:14pm (PDT):

IoT Trust by Design: Lessons Learned in Wearables and Smart Home Products

Moderated by my colleague Jeff Wilbur, Director of the Online Trust Alliance (OTA), the panel abstract is:

The world has awakened to the need for tighter security and privacy in consumer-grade IoT offerings. This panel will present a trust framework for IoT, and wearable and smart home experts will discuss top attack vectors, typical vulnerabilities in devices, apps and systems, common reasons for design compromise, the evolution of security and privacy in IoT and where it needs to go.

They will be discussing the OTA’s IoT Trust Framework, as well as some new mechanisms available to help enterprises understand the risks associated with IoT devices.

If you believe securing the Internet of Things is a critical step to having a secure Internet, please join Jeff and his panelists to learn more.

Unfortunately there appears to be no live stream available but they do seem to be recording many of the sessions. If Jeff’s session is recorded we will update this post and our event page with that information once the recording is published.

We will be posting updates to our blog and our RSA USA 2018 event page. You can follow our updates on Twitter at @InternetSociety. You can also follow the #RSAC hashtag on Twitter for updates about the overall conference.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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