United in Build. Come See Us at Mozfest and Start to Connect the World. Thumbnail
Community Networks 25 October 2018

United in Build. Come See Us at Mozfest and Start to Connect the World.

By Lia KiesslingFormer Senior Director, Individual Membership and Giving

Builders, creators, inventors, and tinkerers – we can start to connect half the world. Meet us at Mozfest.

Around 3.5 billion people do not have Internet access, many of them living in remote locations. How can they share the benefits of this amazing resource?

Tackling the digital divide is not easy, but everyone can help. Community networks are a great way to get involved.

What Are Community Networks?

Community networks are a global movement. From Asia with the Wireless for Communities project to the Tusheti region of Georgia and Rhizomatica’s initiative in Oaxaca, Mexico, community networks are examples of how to build, empower, and sustain communities of people. By communities, for communities, with communities.

Sound awesome? Find us at Mozfest

If you love the Internet, you’ll love Mozfest.  This year you’ll be able to learn about community networks. First, visit us at the Science Fair. We’ll be featuring an interactive exhibit of photos and videos of community network projects from around the world.

From Zimbabwe to Georgia find out what it took to build each community network and why they are so unique.

There will also be a workshop where you can learn how to build your own community network and (we hope) take those skills back to where you live.

AlterMundi’s own Nico Pace will be there to lead a course on how to build your own Internet connection.

And of course you can find me and my team at the Internet Society booth. Please join us this weekend, where you can find more ways you can help and become a member!

Mozilla Festival (MozFest) 2018, London
MozFest House, October 22-26, RSA, Central London
MozFest Weekend, October 26-28, Ravensbourne University, Greenwich

Here’s where you can find us:

MozFest Science Fair
Featuring Internet Society’s Community Networks Art Installation
Friday, Oct 26th, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Ravensbourne University: Level 4 – Main Stage, Level 6 – 601, Level 8

MozFest Weekend: Internet Society Booth
Saturday-Sunday: October 27-28
Ravensbourne University – Level 4

Community Networks Workshop, Back to Basics: Making Your Own Connections
Nicolas Pace, AlterMundi A.C.
Saturday, Oct 27th, 11:15 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Decentralization track
Level 6 – 603
Ravensbourne University, Greenwich

Session description:

Participants will learn how to build a do-it-yourself Internet connection using mesh technologies.

Nico will lead a hands-on session using an open-source hardware WiFi router to create a network onstage, work with participants to build a peer-to-peer platform, stream videos, and even show how peer-to-peer instant messaging can happen.

It will be all about tinkering, exploring possibilities, and showing how anyone, anywhere, can connect their community.

This is a Shed session.

If you can’t make it to Mozfest, there are many other ways you can help. Join us and become part of an amazing community dedicated to creating an Internet for everyone.

See you there!

Image ©Internet Society/Nyani Quarmyne/Panos Pictures

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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