About Internet Society 19 February 2021

Minor Administrative Updates to Internet Society Privacy Policy

By Dan YorkDirector, Internet Technology

Today we have made some minor updates to the Privacy Policy for this site and most of our other affiliated websites. The changes from the previous privacy policy were:

  • Clarified in the introduction that this privacy policy applies to sites from both the Internet Society and also the Internet Society Foundation. Previously, it said only “Internet Society”.
  • References to “Chief Administrative Officer” were changed to “Legal Department”.
  • The contact email address was changed from “[email protected]” to “[email protected]”.
  • Under “Can I Choose not to Receive Commercial Email Communications?”, the mention of “the OTA member preference center” was removed as that functionality was merged into the Internet Society membership portal.

The previous policy from April 2018 is available for review. We are publishing this notice as part of our commitment to transparency around any updates to our privacy policy. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact [email protected].

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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