A man in Kenya stands on the roof of a building where a community network point of presence is located.

The Internet is Making Elections More Transparent 

The Internet plays a critical role in improving election transparency. In 2022, Kenya saw just how crucial a resilient connection is.

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Photograph of Canadian flag flying in front of the Parliament building.

Bill S-210 Threatens Canadians’ Access to the Internet 

Canadian Bill S-210 threatens to break the Internet in Canada and fragment Canadians' access. Help spread the word that it must not pass ...
A youth engrossed in their phone.

Nevada Wants to Reduce Online Protections for Children: All Internet Users Should Benefit from Strong Encryption

Protect children online by supporting end-to-end encryption in Facebook Messenger. Join us in the fight against weakening online protection for kids in Nevada ...
Woman sits with two children looking at a tablet.

Keeping Kids Safe Online: Navigating the New Parents’ Guide to Encryption

Do you know how you're keeping your kids safe online? Using encryption, there are simple changes you can make as a family to stay safe ...
Photograph of London's Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament at night

Techxit: The UK Declares Its Exit from the High-Tech Startup World

No one in their right mind would now want to start up a high-tech company in the UK. With a last-minute addition to the Online Safety Bill (OSB), the UK ...
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Encryption, Bad Bills, and Ripple Effects: How Riana Pfefferkorn Protects the Internet

We spoke with Riana Pfefferkorn, research scholar at the Stanford Internet Observatory, about encryption and protecting the Internet ...
Walking signal sign showing an orange hand indicating 'stop'

Speak Out Against Bills That Threaten End-to-End Encryption

The EARN IT Act, STOP CSAM Act, and KOSA in the United States threaten to weaken end-to-end encryption which puts us all at risk ...
a young girl using laptop with headphones

Encryption Keeps Kids Safe Online

Policymakers are proposing laws that will weaken encryption.
The EARN IT Act, STOP CSAM Act, and many other proposed bills are threatening encryption in the name of keeping kids safe, ...
a black silhouette of a surveillance camera on a white background

Two Things the US Should Do to Protect the Internet and the Security of Billions of People Online

Adopting the practice of Internet impact assessments is not just an option—it’s a must to protect the Internet we want today and tomorrow ...