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Growing the Internet 30 April 2015

Rebuild Nepal

By Babu Ram AryalGuest AuthorSteering Committee Secretary, Chapters Advisory Council

It’s only a few days after the earthquake and while our Chapter is tired and still recovering, we’re determined to be part of the next page in Nepal’s history: rebuilding.

There is so much to do. Power still hasn’t been restored, communication towers are down and the infrastructure in some areas is completely destroyed.

Nepal police offices in remote parts of Nepal and personnel working in the field have described their problems of not having electricity connection and failure to charge their mobile to communicate effectively.

As a first step, our Chapter President Babu Ram Aryal handed over connection equipment to Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of Nepal Police to support efficient earthquake rescue operation.

We donated over 50 Nos of Power Bank (Mobile Recharger), 20 Set of Inverter, Solar Panel and Battery to CIB Director, DIG Hemanta Malla Thakuri. Our Vice President, President Bikram Shrestha, General Secretary Santosh Sigdel, Treasurer Amar Raj Bhandari, Executive Member Suraj Singh Thakuri, IPP Ishwari Prasad Sharma and CIB DSP Naresh Malla there.

Internet Society Nepal has been working in Nepal since 2007 to promote internet access. The recent earthquake and immediate aftershocks have badly hit electricity and internet connection in Nepal causing serious effect to communication among rescue workers including Nepal police.

In an immediate discussion after the tremor Nepal Police has shared this problems of connectivity with ISOC Nepal. The earthquake in Nepal has caused massive loss of lives and physical property. So far, the death casualties have crossed 4,769 till now and the number of injured is more than 10,000.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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