8 January 2025
Virtual via Zoom
- Closed Executive Session: Board members and staff only.
- Open to Observers Session: Local and remote attendees are welcome to listen in.
- Open Forum Session: Local and remote attendees are welcome to ask questions, provide input, and discuss with the Board.
Note: There were no open forum sessions scheduled for this meeting.
- Olufunke Baruwa
- Ramanou Biaou
- Brian Haberman
- Ted Hardie
- Maureen Hilyard
- Russ Housley
- Victor Kuarsingh
- Barry Leiba
- Charles Mok
- Kathleen Moriarty
- Caleb Ogundele
- Laura Thomson
- Sagarika Wickramasekera
- Sally Wentworth, President and CEO, non-voting
- Sarah Armstrong, Executive Director, ISOC Foundation
- Ilona Levine, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, ISOC
- Chris Locke, Managing Director, ISOC Foundation
- Sae Park, Chief Financial Officer, ISOC
- Lauren Terrell, Director of Governance, ISOC
Open to Observers Session
1. Welcome, Apologies, and Declaration of Conflicts – Ted Hardie
Mr. Hardie called the ISOC Board of Trustees meeting to order in Open to Observers Session at 16:31 UTC on Wednesday, 8 January 2025 and welcomed participants.
No conflicts were declared.
2. Approval of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) Slate – Ted Hardie
Resolution 2025-X: Approval of the 2025 Internet Architecture Board Slate
RESOLVED, that the Internet Society Board of Trustees approves the 2025 Internet Architecture Board slate as presented.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Internet Society Board of Trustees thanks the IETF Nominations Committee and its Chair for their time and work.
The resolution was approved unanimously.
Mr. Hardie noted that the board will provide additional feedback to the IAB Nominations Committee highlighting some of the inferences the board drew from the selection process used by the IAB this year and will encourage the Nominations Committee to consider changes in the future.
3. Any Other Business – Ted Hardie
No other business was raised.
4. Adjournment – Ted Hardie
With no other business, Mr. Hardie adjourned the meeting at 16:35 UTC.
All Board Meeting Minutes