12 February 2025
Virtual via Zoom
- Closed Executive Session: Board members and staff only.
- Open to Observers Session: Local and remote attendees are welcome to listen in.
- Open Forum Session: Local and remote attendees are welcome to ask questions, provide input, and discuss with the Board.
Note: There were no open forum sessions scheduled for this meeting.
- Olufunke Baruwa
- Ramanou Biaou
- Brian Haberman
- Ted Hardie
- Maureen Hilyard
- Russ Housley
- Victor Kuarsingh
- Barry Leiba
- Charles Mok
- Kathleen Moriarty
- Caleb Ogundele
- Laura Thomson
- Sagarika Wickramasekera
- Sally Wentworth, President and CEO, non-voting
- Sarah Armstrong, Executive Director, ISOC Foundation
- Ilona Levine, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, ISOC
- Chris Locke, Managing Director, ISOC Foundation
- Sae Park, Chief Financial Officer, ISOC
- Lauren Terrell, Director of Governance, ISOC
Open to Observers Session
1. Welcome, Apologies, and Declaration of Conflicts – Ted Hardie
Mr. Hardie called the ISOC Board of Trustees meeting to order in Open to Observers Session at 16:38 UTC on Wednesday, 12 February 2025 and welcomed participants.
No conflicts were declared.
2. IETF LLC Board Appointment – Ted Hardie
Resolution 2025-X: Appoint a Member to the IETF LLC Board
RESOLVED, that Gonzalo Camarillo is appointed to the IETF LLC Board for a three-year term effective with IETF 122.
The resolution was unanimously approved.
3. Any Other Business – Ted Hardie
No other business was raised.
4. Adjournment – Ted Hardie
With no other business, Mr. Hardie adjourned the meeting at 16:40 UTC.
All Board Meeting Minutes