Board of Trustees > Board of Trustees Resolutions > 2000—1992 Board of Trustees Resolutions

2000—1992 Board of Trustees Resolutions

Resolution 2000-1: 2000 ISOC Budget
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves a budget for ISOC for the year 2000, with projected revenue of USD 3,105,100 and projected expenses of 2,804,000.


Resolution 2000-2: Confirmation of IAB Candidates
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees confirms the appointment of the following individuals to serve on the IAB, as advised by the IETF Nominations Committee:

  • Brian Carpenter
  • Henning Schulzerine
  • Jon Crowcroft
  • John Klensin
  • Leslie Daigle
  • Steve Bellovin


Resolution 2000-3: Account Authorization
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees authorizes the President to establish an account with a brokerage firm in order to facilitate the trading of any securities that may be owned by ISOC.


Resolution 2000-4: Ratification of Vice-President Appointments
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees ratifies the appointment of the following Vice-Presidents:

VP – Chapters/SIGsTarek Kamel
VP – CommunicationsChristine Maxwell
VP – ConferencesRichard Perlman
VP – EducationGeorge Sadowsky
VP – INET 2000Tommy Matsumoto
VP – Individual MembershipDaniel Kaplan
VP – Organizational MembershipTony Yustein
VP – Planning and StrategyGlenn Kowack
VP – Public PolicyDavid Maher
VP – PublicationsNicholas Trio
VP – StandardsScott Bradner


Resolution 2000-5: INET’2001
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves the selection of Stockholm, Sweden as the site of INET 2001, to take place during June, 2001.


Resolution 2000-6: Appreciation of Mary Burger
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its appreciation to Mary Burger, ISOC’s first hired employee, for all of her many contributions to ISOC’s ability to function as an organization over the years.


Resolution 2000-7: Appreciation of Osten Franberg and Stefano Trumpy
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its appreciation to Osten Franberg and Stefano for their leadership of the ISOC Advisory Council for the past two years.


Resolution 2000-8: Advisory Council Charter
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, subject to favorable legal review, endorses a revision to the ISOC Advisory Council charter to include the ability for the Council to host forums that allow organizational members and interested parties to discuss issues of common interest within the domain of public policy matters.


Resolution 2000-9: Audited Financial Statement for 1999
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees accepts the audited financial statements as a true and accurate record of the state of ISOC finances as of 31 December 1999.


Resolution 2000-10: INET’2000 Appreciation
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its its appreciation to Hitoshi Arai, Jun Murai, Tommy Matsumoto, and Toru Takahashi for the great job they did in making INET 2000 so successful.


Resolution 2000-11: NTW 2000 Hosts Appreciation
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its gratitude to Uzuwo Takamoto, Osamu Nakamura, Suguru Yamaguchi, Yasuo Tsuchimoto, and Keio University for the splendid support they provided to NTW 2000.


Resolution 2000-12: NTW 2000 Appreciation
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its gratitude to George Sadowsky, Alan Greenberg, Edmundo Vitale, Ermanno Pietrosemoli, Alejandro Pisanty, and the Network Training Workshop (NTW) instructors for conducting a successful NTW.


Resolution 2000-13: Lyris Appreciation
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its gratitude to Lyris, and especially Sheryl Hiatt, for the excellent and valuable support they have provided to the ISTF.


Resolution 2000-14: ISOC Directions
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees adopts in principle the structure proposed in the ISOC Directions document, and will work to further develop and refine this proposal.


Resolution 2000-15: Appreciation of Jun Murai, Jose Luis Pardos, Ben Segal and John Gilmore
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its gratitude to Jun Murai, Jose Luis Pardos, Ben Segal and John Gilmore for their service to the Board of Trustees.


Resolution 2000-16: Appreciation of Geoff Huston
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its gratitude to Geoff Huston for his service as Chair of the Board of Trustees.


Resolution 2000-17: ISOC Board of Trustees Internal Procedures for Officers of the Board of Trustees.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees adopts the following process in relation to the election of Officers of the Board of Trustees.

The basic working procedures for the Board of Trustees are defined in the ISOC By-Laws. These internal procedures provide additional rules and guidelines for the Board of Trustees regarding Officers of the Society.

The following election procedures are to be followed at the ISOC Board meeting when elections are required by the By-Laws.

1. Structure of the Society

Officers – The Board elects from its membership a Chair, and also elects the Officer positions of Treasurer and a Secretary, positions that may be filled by any ISOC individual member. The Board may also choose to create other Officer positions, and elect individual members of ISOC to fill these positions. The procedures relating to the election of these Officers and the term of office are described in subsequent sections of this document.

President and Vice-Presidents – The Board has the ability to hire the services of a President, who serves ex-officio as a non-voting member of the Board. The President may select Vice-Presidents to undertake various roles as delegated by the President. The appointment of Vice-Presidents is the role of the President, subject to ratification by the Board of Trustees.

2. Term of Trustees

The Board meeting following the declaration of the Trustee election is termed the Annual General Meeting.

All elected Trustees assume the positions on the Board of Trustees at the adjournment of the Annual General Meeting. Trustees shall serve in office until the adjournment of the Annual General Meeting following a three year term of office, or until the Trustee resigns the position.

3. Term of Officers

At the adjournment of the Annual General Meeting all Officer positions shall be declared available for election. Other than Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, the term of all Officer roles and positions shall be deemed to have expired at this point.

Election of officers shall be conducted at this point, in accordance with this procedure.

4. Protocol of the Meeting to Conduct Election of Officers

The retiring Chair of the Board of Trustees shall chair the initial part of the meeting to elect Officers of the Board. Immediately following the election of Chair of the Board, the elected Chair of the Board shall assume office and chair the remainder of the meeting. The remaining statutory officer positions are then elected, followed by the creation of other officer positions and elections to fill these positions.

All voting Trustees in office who are present at the meeting may vote in officer elections. Trustees who participate remotely via electronic means such that they can contemporaneously hear all other Trustees at the meeting, and be heard by all other Trustees at the meeting, shall be deemed to be present at the meeting. Voting by proxy is not permitted for election of officers.

5. Statutory Officers to be Elected

The following statutory positions shall be elected, in the following order:

  • Chair
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary

6. Other Officers to be Elected

Following the election of the statutory positions, Trustees may nominate the establishment of other Officer positions through a seconded motion. The Board shall vote on the adoption of each of these positions, and the vote shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of Trustees then in office in order for the position to be established. The position shall be established for one year, until the adjournment of the next Annual General Meeting of the Board of Trustees.

Following the establishment of any other officer positions, elections will then be held to fill these positions, which shall be held in an order as determined by the Chair.

7. Nominations

Nominations must be submitted by a Trustee in office, in writing or by electronic mail, or orally at the meeting.

Nominations will close immediately before the agenda item for the election of that position. Nominations must be submitted to the Chair of the Board. A nomination will only be valid if the candidate declares orally at the meeting, or in writing or by electronic mail prior to the meeting, that the candidate is willing to take office if elected.

A candidate who fails to be elected for a position may be nominated for a subsequent position.

8. Eligibility

Any Trustee in office may be elected to the position of Chairman of the Board.

Any ISOC member in good standing may be elected to any other office.

9. Voting

Any candidate may make a statement to the Board regarding their candidature. The presentation of such a statement shall take no longer than five minutes. The order of candidates’ statements shall be determined by the Chair using a random selection process.

If there is only one candidate for a position, this candidate will be declared elected.

If there are two candidates, an election will be necessary. All Trustees present at the meeting, with the exception of the chair of the meeting, shall be eligible to vote. The chair of the meeting shall withhold from voting unless there is a tied vote, or unless the affirmative vote fails to achieve a majority of Trustees in office. A majority vote of the Trustees in office is required to elect a candidate. In the event of a tie, the chair of the meeting will have the tie-breaking vote. In the event that the candidate with the highest vote fails to have the affirmative vote of majority of the Trustees in office, the chair of the meeting shall be eligible to vote. If the affirmative vote fails to achieve a majority of Trustees then in office, the vote shall be conducted again.

If there are more than two candidates, and if no candidate has a vote that is equal to or greater than a majority of Trustees in office, then the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes will go to a new ballot, and a new vote will be called. In the event that three or more candidates tie for the highest number of votes, all such candidates will go into a new ballot.

Voting will be by secret ballot. An Internet Society staff member nominated by the President and a person appointed by the Board will act as tellers.

Trustees who participate remotely in a manner such that they can hear the proceedings of the meeting and be clearly heard by all other attendees, shall vote by privately announcing their vote to the election tellers.

10. Record of the Meeting

The minutes shall record the candidates nominated for each position and the elected candidate.

A candidate may request that the statement made to the Board in respect of their candidature be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

11. Removal from Office

An Officer may be removed from office by the affirmative vote of four-fifths of the Trustees holding office at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees.

12. Casual Vacancies

If an office is vacated, the position may be filled at a subsequent regular meeting of the Board of Trustees, using these election procedures.

Agenda Minutes

Resolution 2000-18: 2001 Trustee Elections Timetable
RESOLVED, that in conformance with the adopted procedure for the election of Trustees, the following schedule is to be used for the 2001 Trustee elections:

13 November, 2000Call for Nominations Posted
13 November, 2000Nominations Period Opens
18 December, 2000Nominations Period Closes
5 January, 2001Nominated Candidates Announced
5 January, 2001Petition period Opens
5 February, 2001Petition Period Closes
5 February, 2001Membership Roll of Voters Closes
12 February, 2001Candidate Announcement
19 February, 2001Ballots posted to members
19 February, 2001Election Period Commences
23 April, 2001Election Date
30 April, 2001Vote certification and announcement
30 April, 2001Challenge Period Opens
14 May, 2001Challenge period closes
3 June, 2001Challenge Response Date
3 June, 2001Confirmation of Election Results
4 June, 2001Annual General Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Agenda Minutes

Resolution 2000-19: Trustee Elections Procedures
RESOLVED, that the adopted Procedure for Elections of Trustees be amended to read:

Eligibility to Vote

All individual members of the Society in good standing are eligible to vote. An individual member is in good standing if his or her annual dues are not more than 60 days past due on the date of closure of the membership roll. The membership roll of eligible votes shall be closed on the close of business of the same day as the final day for filing of Petitions.


The Trustee election shall be conducted by written ballot of the individual members, which shall be mailed to each member of the Society listed in the membership roll of eligible voters.

Agenda Minutes

Resolution 2000-20: Platinum Level Organizational Membership
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the establishment of a Platinum Organizational Membership category, which allows the due accreditation of the organizational member in supporting ISOC, for an annual membership fee of USD 100,000 partly designated in support of specific activities.

Agenda Minutes

Resolution 2000-21: Appointment of ISOC Vice-Presidents
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the appointment of the following Vice-Presidents of ISOC for 2001:

Chapters – Tomaz Kalin
Conferences – Richard Perlman
Education – George Sadowsky
Individual Membership – Mike Todd
Public Policy – David Maher
Publications – Nick Trio
Standards – Scott Bradner
Organization Membership – Tony Yustein

Agenda Minutes

Resolution 2000-22: Appointment of Chair of ISTF
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees appoint Christine Maxwell to be chair of the Internet Societal Task Force and its Internet Societal Task Force Steering Group (ISSG) for an initial term of one year, renewable annually for a maximum cumulative term of three years.

Agenda Minutes

Resolution 2000-23: ISSG Procedures for Nomination of ISSG and ISTF Chair
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees direct the Internet Societal Task Force Steering Group (ISSG) to develop and propose to the Board of Trustees nomination procedures for the combined chair of the Internet Societal Task Force Steering Group and the INternet Societal Task Force.

Agenda Minutes

Resolution 2000-24: Amendments to the By Laws concerning Terms of Office of Officers of the Society
RESOLVED, to amend the By laws as follows:

A. Append to Article III, Section 3 the following:

With the exception of the roles of Chairman, President, Treasurer and Secretary, officer roles shall be explicitly renewed by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the members of the Board of Trustees then in office, on an annual basis. Those roles that are not renewed by this means shall be deemed to have lapsed, and the term of office of the incumbent office holder shall be deemed not to be renewed.

B. Amend Article III, Section 7 to read:

Section 7.

Except for the President, who will hold office until the expiration of the contract or may be removed as provided below, the officers of the Society shall hold office for a period of one year. The period of office may be renewed each year by a simple majority affirmative vote of the Trustees at the expiration of the term. Any officer of the Society may be removed prior to the expiration of the term of office by the Board of Trustees, by the affirmative vote of at least four-fifths of the members of the Board of Trustees then in office, whenever in their judgement the best interests of the Society shall be served thereby. The President may be removed by the vote of a majority of members of the Board of Trustees then in office, and in accordance with the termination provisions of the President’s employment contract.

Agenda Minutes

Resolution 2000-25: Expression of appreciation to Vint Cerf
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its profound gratitude to Vint Cerf for his generous donations to ISOC.

Agenda Minutes

Resolution 2000-26: Expression of appreciation to Don Heath
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its appreciation to Don Heath in recognition of his service to ISOC in the role of President and Chief Executive Officer since March 1996, noting that his term of office represented 28 Internet years of energy and dedication in serving ISOC and the Internet community.

Agenda Minutes

Resolution 2000-27: ISOC 2001 Budget
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees adopts a budget forISOC 2001 which proposes expenditure of a total of USD 2.55M and revenue of USD 2.88M .

Agenda Minutes

Resolution 2000-28: INET 2002
RESOLVED, to request the Vice President of Conferences to organize for INET 2002 a working conference centred on the activities of the Society, and report to the Board by 1 March 2001.

Agenda Minutes

Resolution 2000-29: In appreciation of Vint Cerf
RESOLVED, to express the gratitude of the Board to Vint Cerf in recognition of his efforts in initiating the Internet Societal Task Force and his energetic efforts in his role as the initial chair of this body.

Agenda Minutes

Resolution 2000-30: In appreciation of Christine Maxwell
RESOLVED, to express the gratitude of the Board to Christine Maxwell in recognition of her efforts in concluding an NGO relationship with UNESCO for ISOC.

Agenda Minutes

Resolution 1999-1: Confirmation of IAB Nominations
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees confirms the appointment of the following individuals to serve on the IAB, as advised by the IETF Nominations Committee:

  • Harald Alvestrand
  • Ran Atkinson
  • Rob Austein
  • Steve Deering
  • Tony Hain
  • Geoff Huston


Resolution 1999-2: 1997 and 1998 ISOC Financial Statements
RESOLVED, that the Board accepts the audited statements of Financial Position, Activities and Changes in Net Assets, Functional Expenses and Cash Flows for the years ending December 31, 1997 and December 31, 1998, as an accurate record of ISOC financial activity for 1997 and 1998.


Resolution 1999-3: In appreciation of Betty Benson and the San Jose State University
RESOLVED, that the Board expresses its sincere appreciation to Betty Benson and San Jose State University for the support given to the 1999 Network Training Workshop.


Resolution 1999-4: In appreciation of the supporters of the Network Training Workshop
RESOLVED, that the Board expresses its gratitude to Cisco Systems, Nortel, MCI Worldcom, O’Reilly Publications, John Wiley & Sons, Cisco Press, BSDI, Redhat, Walnut Creek, NATO, World Bank/infoDEV, U.S. State Department, France Telecom, Novell and the International Association of Butterfly Enthusiasts for their generous support of the 1999 ISOC Network Training Workshop.


Resolution 1999-5: In appreciation of the Network Training Workshop staff and instructors
RESOLVED, that the Board expresses its appreciation of the donation of time and effort by the teaching instructors and staff of the 1999 Network Training Workshop. The Boardis particularly grateful for the setup efforts undertaken by Geert Jan de Groot.


Resolution 1999-6: In appreciation of George Sadowsky and Alan Greenberg
RESOLVED, that the Board expresses its appreciation and profound gratitude to George Sadowsky and Alan Greenberg for their unstinting efforts in organizing the 1999 ISOC Network Training Workshop.


Resolution 1999-7: Internet Society Membership Subscription Rates
RESOLVED, that the Board adopts the following schedule of fees as the Society’s membership fees, and allows 40% of the membership fee to be passed to a nominated chapter as the chapter membership subscription.

Internet Society Membership Levels

Membership Type1 Year3 Years5 YearsLifetime

(All fees noted are in USD)


Resolution 1999-8: Internet Society Membership Subscription Rates for Developing Countries
RESOLVED, that the individual regular membership rate for residents of developing countries be set at USD 5.00, subject to confirmation of financial feasibility by ISOC staff and the Vice-President for Membership.


Resolution 1999-9: In appreciation of Dan Lynch
RESOLVED, that the Board expresses its gratitude for the efforts of Dan Lynch in raising support for the Jonathan B. Postel Endowed Chair of Computer Networking at UCLA.


Resolution 1999-10: 2000 Trustee Elections Timetable
RESOLVED, that in conformance with the adopted procedure for the election of Trustees, the following schedule is to be used for the 2000 Trustee elections:

1 December, 1999Call for Nominations
17 January, 2000Nominations Period Closes
31 January, 2000Announcement of Nominated Candidates
Petition period opens
1 March, 2000Petition Period Closes
10 March, 2000Candidate Announcement
31 March, 2000Ballots posted to members
2 June, 2000Election Date
9 June, 2000Vote certification and announcement
20 June, 2000Challenge period closes
10 July, 2000Challenge Response
17 July, 2000Annual General Meeting of the Board of Trustees


Resolution 1999-11: Petition Signature Definition
RESOLVED, that a valied petition signature for petition candidates includes the name, ISOC membership number and email address (if available) as a valid petition signature.


Resolution 1999-12: Officers of the Society
RESOLVED, that with the exception of the statuatory Officers defined in Article IV, Section 1 of the By-Laws of the Society, all other Officers shall be selected by, report to, and shall serve at the discretion of, the President and CEO of the Society. All such appointments shall be subject to ratification by the Board.


Resolution 1999-13: Internet Societal Task Force
RESOLVED, that the Board authorizes the President of ISOC to take the necessary steps to create an Internet Societal Task Force as an ISOC initiative.


Resolution 1999-14: Appreciation of Vint Cerf.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its profound appreciation to Vint Cerf for serving as Chairman of the Board of Trustees for 1998.


Resolution 1999-15: Appreciation of Emeritus Trustee Susan Estrada.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its appreciation to Emeritus Trustee Susan Estrada for her support given to ISOC while serving as a Trustee of the Society from 1993 to 1999.


Resolution 1999-16: Appreciation of Emeritus Trustee Scott Bradner.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its appreciation to Emeritus Trustee Scott Bradner for his support given to ISOC while serving as a Trustee of the Society from 1993 to 1999.


Resolution 1999-17: Appreciation of Emeritus Trustee David Farber.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its appreciation to Emeritus Trustee David Farber for his support given to ISOC while serving as a Trustee of the Society from 1993 to 1999.
Resolution 1999-18: Appreciation of Emeritus Trustee George Sadowsky.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its appreciation to Emeritus Trustee George Sadowsky for his support given to ISOC while serving as a Trustee of the Society from 1996 to 1999.


Resolution 1999-19: Confirmation of Appointment of ISOC Officers
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees confirms the appointment of the following individuals to serve as officers of the Internet Society until replaced or resignation:

ChaptersTarek Kamel
CommunicationsChristine Maxwell
ConferencesRichard Perlman
EducationGeorge Sadowsky
INET 2000Tommy Matsumoto
MembershipDaniel Kaplan
Planning & StrategyGlenn Kowack
Public PolicyDavid Maher
PublicationsNick Trio
StandardsScott Bradner


Resolution 1999-20: ISOC Sponsorships of Conferences
RESOLVED, that the Internet Society should only sponsor commercial conferences when it does not compromise ISOC’s integrity, does not lock ISOC into an exclusive arrangement, and is beneficial for ISOC. (7-0-1)


Resolution 1999-21: Expression of Gratitude to the Officers of the IAC
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its appreciation to the officers of the ISOC Advisory Council for the work they have done in making the IAC a more vibrant and useful group that is contributing to the success of ISOC.


Resolution 1999-22: Elimination of Bloc Voting in Elections for ISOC Trustees
RESOLVED, that an ISOC individual member may cast one vote for each Board vacancy, but cannot cast more than one vote for any one candidate for the Board of Trustees. (This modifies Section 3.3 of ISOC’s Procedures for Nomination and Election of Trustees).


Resolution 1999-23: To form a Chapters Council
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees recommends to the President of ISOC that a Chapters Council be formed, reporting to the VP of Chapters.


Resolution 1998-1: Suspension of Charter of the Thailand Chapter
RESOLVED, that the Board suspend the charter of the Thailand Chapter of the Internet Society until the Chapter demonstrates its ability to support and argue the consequences of the Principles of the Internet Society, in particular with respect to the draft Internet Promotion Law currently under consideration in Thailand.


Resolution 1998-2: ISOC Budget for 1998.
RESOLVED, that the Board endorses the 1998 ISOC budget, noting a planned revenue for the year of USD $4,538,040, expenses of USD $4,345,290, and a planned operational surplus of USD $192,750.


Resolution 1998-3: Selection of IAB and IESG members.
RESOLVED, that the Board accepts the process for selection of IAB and IESG members, as documented in RFC 2282, and accepts the role of the Board described in this process.


Resolution 1998-4: Confirmation of IAB members.
RESOLVED, that the Board confirms the appointment of the following individuals to serve on the IAB, as advised by the IETF Nominations Committee:

Ned Freed,
Tim Howes,
Steve Bellovin,
Jon Crowcroft,
John Klensin,
and Brian Carpenter


Resolution 1998-5: Adoption of Green Paper Response.
RESOLVED, that the Board adopts the drafted response to the US Green Paper as an ISOC response.


Resolution 1998-6: Adoption of White Paper Response.
RESOLVED, that the Board adopts the drafted statement of response to the US White Paper as an ISOC response.


Resolution 1998-7: INET’97 Finances.
RESOLVED, that the Board supports the efforts of the President and the Vice President for Conferences to conclude the finances for INET’97, and authorizes them to undertake all reasonable efforts to recover all monies owing to ISOC from this activity.


Resolution 1998-8: INET’98.
RESOLVED, that the Board expresses its profound thanks to those who contributed to the success of the INET’98 conference:


François Fluckiger, CERN, Switzerland
Jean-Claude Guédon, Université de Montréal, Canada
Harald Tveit Alvestrand, Maxware, Norway
David Billard, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Laura Breeden, Laura Breeden & Associates, United States
Lyman Chapin, BBN Technologies, United States
Line Cormier, Agence de la Francophonie/DDTI, France
Rosa Delgado, SITA, Switzerland
William J. Drake, Georgetown University, United States
Joan Dzenowagis, World Health Organization, Switzerland
Soledad Ferreiro, InfoEra S.A., Chile
Jacek Gajewsky, Research and Academic Network, Poland
Jürgen Harms, Université de Genève, Switzerland
Richard Hill, Université de Genève, Switzerland
John Hine, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Erik Huizer, SURFnet ExpertiseCentrum bv, The Netherlands
Ole Jacobsen, Cisco Systems, United States
Hans K. Klein, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States
Ken Klingenstein, University of Colorado at Boulder, United States
Glenn Kowack, Internet Enterprise Development, United States
Okhwa Lee, Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea
Hannes P. Lubich, Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd. Zurich, Switzerland
Christine Maxwell, Chiliad Publishing, France
Gerald Page, Poncet Turrettini Amaudruz Neyroud & Associés, Switzerland
Richard Perlman, Berkeley Internet Group, United States
Oliver B. Popov, University St. Cyril and Methodius, Macedonia
Richard Rodgers, National Institutes of Health, United States
Geza Turchanyi, MATAV, Hungary


George Sadowsky, Vice President for Conferences, Internet Society, United States
Mark Selby, President, Geneva Chapter, Internet Society, Switzerland


George Soros, Open Society Institute, United States
Claude Lemay, Alis Technologies, Inc., Canada
Werner Staub, Axone Services & Development, Switzerland


Torryn P. Brazell, Internet Society, United States


Lynn St. Amour, Internet Society, Switzerland
Mary Rose Rudaz, Internet Society, Switzerland
Anna Dawson, Internet Society, Switzerland


Amy Henderson


Alan McCluskey, Connected, Switzerland
Ueli Anken, Ouverture, Switzerland
Claudie Freire, Ouverture, Switzerland


Julia Field, Switzerland
Cornelis Koster, Switzerland


Sam Carmalt, SW Consulting, Switzerland
Stephane Koch, Switzerland
Fernando Lagrana, ITU, Switzerland
Alan Greenberg, McGill University, Canada


Bernard Cornu, Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maitres (IUFM), France
David Lassner, University of Hawaii, United States


Nii Quaynor, Network Computer Systems, Ghana
Rosa Delgado, SITA, Switzerland


Richard Golding, Price Waterhouse
Pierre E. Jaquier, République et Canton de Genève, Switzerland
Bruno Lanvin, UNCTAD, Switzerland

Jacques Flumet, University of Geneva, Switzerland
David Clerc, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Bertrand Ibrahim, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Daniel Agulleiro, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Edoardo Basilico, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Daniel Doubrovkine, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Florent Glueck, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Anton Soudovtsev, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Frederic Schutz, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Evi Nemeth, Colorado State University, United States


Resolution 1998-9: 1998 Network Technology Workshops.
RESOLVED, that the Board expresses its appreciation to the 1998 Network Technology Workshop organizers and sponsors:

Alan Greenberg, McGill University, Canada
Ben M. Segal, CERN, Switzerland
Jacques Guidon, Université Paris VII and INRIA, France
Florencio Utreras, ENRED and REUNA, Chile


Carla Rosenfeld, Internet Society, United States
Toby Riley, United States
Caroline Wieland, Switzerland


Brian Candler, Demon Internet Ltd., United Kingdom (T1)
Alan Barrett, UUNET Internet Africa, South Africa (T2)
Jill Foster, University of Newcastle, United Kingdom (T3)
Geoff Huston, Telstra, Australia (T4)



Susan Hares, Merit Network Inc., United States
Mike Jensen, South Africa
Honza, Jirousek, UNDP, Czech Republic
Steve Huter, Network Startup Resource Center, United States
Sampemane Geetanjali, University of Illinois, India


Sana Bellamine, Epoch Internet, Tunisia
Geer Jan de Groot, Berkley SW Design, Inc., United States


Cindy Hao, Science Magazine, Canada
Carl Vincent, University of Newcastle, United Kingdom
George Munroe, UNITE Solutions Limited, United Kingdom
Bert Stals, M&I/Stelvio, Netherlands
Ruvan Weerasinghe, University of Columbo, Sri Lanka


Scott Bradner, Harvard University, United States
David R. Conrad, Internet Software Consortium, United States
Nur Zincir, Ege University, Turkey


Roland Dirlewanger, CNRS, France
Alain Durand, IMAG Universite de Grenoble, France
Yves Legrandge’rard, Universite Paris 7, France
Francois Normant, Technologia, Canada
Philippe Regnauld, PROSA, France
Eric Stevance, BINTTA/MaliNet, France
Sylvain Zongo, Orstom, Burkinabe
Mireille Yamajako, EUNet, France


Bruno Mannoni, Ministère de la Culture, France
Eric Payan, Universite Joseph Fourier, France
Jean-Luc Parouty, IMAG, France
Claude Darrieumerlou, DAG/DOSI, France
Malek Shabou, AFNIC, France


Jose Luiz Ribeiro Filho, RNP, Brazil
Edmundo Viatale, U. de los Andes, Venezuala
Ermanno Piertosemoli, U. de los Andes, Venezuela


Resolution 1998-10: ISOC 1997 Financial Report.
RESOLVED, that the Board accepts the 1997 Financial Reports as a true and accurate report of the state of the financial position of ISOC as of 31 December 1997.


Resolution 1998-11: Association Membership of ISOC.
RESOLVED, that the Board agrees in principle to develop a new class of ISOC membership, that of association membership, with details of organizational structure, financial structure and cross-product impact to be refined for subsequent review by the Board.


Resolution 1998-12: ISOC Chapter Facilitator.
RESOLVED, that the Board endorse the appointment of Gordon Howell as ISOC Chapter Facilitator.


Resolution 1998-13: IANA Transition.
RESOLVED, that, mindful of its commitments to the Internet community, the Board will endeavor to support the IAB’s responsibilities within the structure of a new IANA.


Resolution 1998-14: ISOC Advisory Council Officers.
RESOLVED, that the Board approves in principle the nomination of up to 7 officers of the ISOC Advisory Council, subject to the Advisory Council’s ratification of this proposal.


Resolution 1998-15: Appreciation of Frode Greisen.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its profound appreciation to Frode Greisen, noting in particular Frode’s contribution to ISOC as ISOC Treasurer for the period 1992 to 1997 and subsequently as Chairman of the Board of Trustees for 1997 to 1998.


Resolution 1998-16: Appreciation of Emeritus Trustee Ishida.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its appreciation to Emeritus Trustee Ishida for his support given to ISOC while serving as a Trustee of the Society from 1993 to 1998.


Resolution 1998-17: 1999 ISOC Nomination and Trustee Election Committee Timetable
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees adopt a timetable for the 1999 Trustee nominations and election process in accordance with the procedures of Resolution 94-19 (as amended), commencing with the opening of the Nominations period on November 17, 1998. The timetable to be adopted is as follows:

November 17, 1998
December 17, 1998
December 19, 1999
January 22, 1999
January 29, 1999
February 26, 1999
March 1, 1999
May 3, 1999
May 3, 1999
May 13, 1999
May 23, 1999
June 12, 1999
June 21, 1999
Nominations Period Opens
Nominations Period Closes
Nominations Committee Announcement
Petition Period Closes
Candidate Announcement
Ballots Posted
Election Period Opens
Election Date
Challenge Period Opens
Elections Committee Certifies Result
Challenge Period Closes
ISOC Response to Challenge Period Closes
ISOC Board of Trustees Annual General Meeting


Resolution 1998-18: The Jonathan B. Postel Endowed Chair Fund
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees authorizes the President of ISOC to establish a bank account to support the establishment of:

The Jonathan B. Postel Endowed Chair Fund, and

Wachovia Bank, N. A. (the “Bank”) is designated a depository for these funds, and any one of the persons who now or hereafter hold the titles listed below or who are named below, are authorized to transact any and all business with the Bank concerning the Banks’ cash management and deposit services and other banking services.

Internet Society President and CEO Internet Society Chair of the Board of Trustees


Resolution 1998-19: The Jonathan B. Postel Service Award Fund
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees authorizes the President of ISOC to establish a bank account to support the establishment of:

The Jonathan B. Postel Service Award Fund, and

Wachovia Bank, N. A. (the “Bank”) is designated a depository for these funds, and any one of the persons who now or hereafter hold the titles listed below or who are named below, are authorized to transact any and all business with the Bank concerning the Banks’ cash management and deposit services and other banking services.

Internet Society President and CEO
Internet Society Chair of the Board of Trustees


Resolution 1998-20: ISOC Assistant Secretary
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees authorizes the President of ISOC to appoint an ISOC Assistant Secretary. The duties of the Assistant Secretary shall be defined and delegated by the ISOC Secretary, and shall include signing forms and other documents that require the signature of the ISOC Secretary, in those cases where the Secretary is unavailable. Copies of the signed documents, and records of all other delegated actions shall be sent, promptly, to the ISOC Secretary.


Resolution 1998-21: Elections Committee Chair
RESOLVED, to amend the ISOC Procedures for Nomination and Election of Trustees such that the chair of the Elections Committee may be a Trustee, or Trustee Emeritus, with the qualification that the Trustee concerned is not standing as a candidate in the election.


Resolution 1998-22: Election of John Gage
RESOLVED, that John Gage be elected by the Board to serve out the uncompleted term of Jon Postel as Trustee of the Internet Society until a new trustee is elected to fill this position and takes office during the INET’99 event in June 1999.


Resolution 1998-23: Amendment of ISOC By-Laws
RESOLVED, that the ISOC Bylaws be amended to remove the words: “(as defined in Article VI, Section3, Clause(1) of these By-Laws)”

from ARTICLE II, Section 2 of the ISOC By-Laws.


Resolution 1998-24: 199 ISOC Budget
RESOLVED, to give leave to the ISOC Executive Committee to approve the 1999 ISOC budget, subject to the following conditions:

  • changes in presentation of the budget, as recorded in the Board minutes,
  • with leave to the CEO to approve an operating budget which varies by no more than USD $50,000 in total financial outcome from the approved budget, and
  • incorporation of line expenditure items associated with the financial support of IANA functions


Resolution 1998-25: ISOC Budget Strategy
RESOLVED, that the Board states the strategic financial objective of achieving an organizational financial structure which includes an accumulation of no less than 6 months of operating expenses by January 2002.


Resolution 1998-26: Network Technology Workshop Budget
RESOLVED, to place an explicit entry in the annual ISOC budget to support the Network technology Workshop activity, and separate the Workshop and INET conference budgets.


Resolution 1998-27: ISOC Membership
RESOLVED, to develop and implement an approach to raising the level of individual membership of the Society, with the objective of enrolling 100,000 individual ISOC members by the year 2000.


Resolution 1998-28: ISOC Paper Publications
RESOLVED, that it is recorded as the sense of the Board to allow the suspension of production of the paper print version of the publication “OnTheInternet” within an adopted program of electronic publication.


Resolution 1998-29: ISOC Electronic Publications
RESOLVED, that it is recorded as the sense of the Board to endorse the expenditure of resources to support publication of “OnTheInternet” as an electronic publication.


Resolution 1998-30: Petition Period Definition
RESOLVED, that the ISOC Procedures for the Nomination and Election of Trustees be amended to allow petition candidates to file their petition with the chair of the Nominating Committee no later than 30 days following the announcement of nominated candidates.


Resolution 1998-31: ISOC Statement on Cryptographic Technology
RESOLVED, that in view of the developments under the Wassenaar Arrangement, the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society reiterates the position stated within RFC 1984. Export controls and usage controls are slowing the deployment of security at the same time as the Internet is exponentially increasing in social impact, and attackers are increasing in sophistication. Internet users are being placed in a dangerous position if they are forced to rely on insecure electronic communication through inappropriate restriction of the use of cryptographic technologies.


Resolution 1998-32: In Memory of Jonathan B. Postel
The Board expresses its deep sense of loss and mourning following the death of our fellow Trustee and friend, Jonathan B. Postel. Jon served as a Trustee from 1993 until his death in October 1998, and the Board, and the Internet Society, were the beneficiary of his good sense and practical approach to all matters considered by the Board. Goodbye Jon.


Resolution 1997-1: Confirmation of IAB Positions
RESOLVED, that the Board confirm the nominations of the IETF Nominations Committee to the IAB:

  • Steve Deering
  • Tony Hain
  • Erik Huizer
  • Cydi Jung
  • Robert Moskow
  • Charlie Perkins


Resolution 1997-2: Generic Top Level Domains Memorandum of Understanding
RESOLVED, that the Board endorses the generic Top Level Domains Memorandum of Understanding, and authorizes the President to sign the document on behalf of ISOC.


Resolution 1997-3: Appreciation of Claude Lemay
RESOLVED, that ISOC commends with gratitude Claude Lemay on his fundraising for INET’96.


Resolution 1997-4: Appreciation MIMOS and Telekom Malaysia
RESOLVED, that ISOC recognizes with gratitude the efforts of MIMOS and Telekom Malaysia to ensure the success of the ISOC 1997 Workshop.


Resolution 1997-5: Workshop Graduates ISOC Membership
RESOLVED, that the Board will provide a three year free ISOC membership to ISOC Workshop graduates, to be coordinated by specific solicitation of financial support.


Resolution 1997-6: INET’97 Appreciation
RESOLVED, that the Board commends the INET’97 Conference Chair, Tengku Mohd Azzman Shariffadeen, the INET’97 Program Chair, Professor John Hine, the INET’97 Program Committee, and the Malaysian host, MIMOS, on the success of INET’97.


Resolution 1997-7: INET’98
RESOLVED, that the ISOC Annual conference, INET’98, will be held in Geneva on 21 – 24 July 1998.


Resolution 1997-8: ISOC European staff member
RESOLVED, that the Board directs the Secretariat to work with the Geneva Chapter of ISOC to evaluate the establishment of an ongoing ISOC Staff presence in Europe.


Resolution 1997-9: NDSS’98
RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee will scrutinize the budget for NDSS’98 prior to adoption by ISOC.


Resolution 1997-10: ISOC 1996 Financial Report
RESOLVED, that the Board accepts the 1996 Financial Reports as a true and accurate state of the financial position of ISOC as of December 31 1996.


Resolution 1997-11: ISOC Gold Organisational Membership
RESOLVED, that the Board approves the establishment of a Gold Organisational Membership category, which allows the due accreditation of the organisational member in supporting ISOC, for an annual membership fee of USD 50,000.


Resolution 1997-12: ISOC Funding Objectives
RESOLVED, that the Board commits to raise USD 200,000 in annual membership dues by July 1997, USD 500,000 by December 1997, and a total of USD 1,000,000 in new membership by June 1998.


Resolution 1997-13: ISOC Individual Membership
RESOLVED, that the Board proposes a tiered individual membership structure to allow individuals to join at a higher membership fee. This proposal will be refined and implemented by the ISOC Secretariat.


Resolution 1997-14: Commendation to IAHC
RESOLVED, that the Board commends the IAHC on their efforts and outcomes relating to the gTLD name structure, noting the importance of the gTLD structure in ensuring the stability of further growth of this critical component of Internet infrastructure.


Resolution 1997-15: Commendation to Bruno Lanvin
RESOLVED, that the Board thanks with gratitude Bruno Lanvin in chairing the Geneva gTLD meeting May 1997, noting the success of the meeting was materially assisted by his efforts.


Resolution 1997-16: iPOC
RESOLVED, that the Board requests iPOC to take appropriate steps with the relevant anti-trust enforcement bodies to consult and seek guidance as to conformance with relevant legislation.


Resolution 1997-17: ISOC Chapter Policy
RESOLVED, that the Board adopts the following document as the ISOC Policy on the Establishment and conduct of Chapters of the Internet Society:

This document describes the Society’s policies and procedures in the establishment and conduct of chapters of the Internet Society

1. Establishment of Chapters
Any responsible party may submit a request to establish a chapter to the ISOC Secretariat.

ISOC’s Vice-President for Chapters (or designee) will consult with the ISOC Executive Director on the matter and provide some immediate response to the requesting party regarding the feasibility of establishing such a chapter.

The requesting party will then provide a detailed written charter for the proposed chapter, addressing all of the items contained in this policy statement and guideline.

Upon receipt of the final draft charter, a second review will be undertaken by ISOC and approval made by the Vice-President for Chapters in consultation with the Executive Director and the President.

If the response at any point in establishing a chapter is negative, the party can appeal directly to the Board of Trustees. Final approval of chapters lies with the Board of Trustees.

2. Purpose of Chapters
Chapters of the Internet Society serve the Society’s purposes by serving the interests of a segment of the global Internet community through a local presence, focus on local issues and developments, including cultural, commercial and use of local languages. Every chapter shall have an explicit statement of purpose.

3. Scope of Chapters
Chapters may be established on a non-exclusive basis to cater to the needs of any specific, cohesive community of interest. Generally this will be a regional community within national boundaries.

Where a significant overlap of the defined communities arises from the proposed creation of a new chapter, a compelling reason must exist for such a redundancy. This does not preclude formation of City/State/Province/Department chapters where a chapter already extends to national boundaries.

4. Funding of Chapters
Chapters will generally be funded by local membership dues or grants.

Chapters may also generate funds as follows:

Organizational members of ISOC may become organizational members of chapters by paying a supplemental fee, to be determined by the Chapter, directly to the Chapter.

An organization may become an “Individual Membership Partner” whereby it pays the ISOC membership fees for a minimum of five individuals and receives local chapter recognition for the organisational support.

Chapters may solicit funds from local organizations to support chapter activities.

Dues may be charged for chapter individual memberships in addition to the dues that the individual member pays to ISOC.

5. Public Positions and Statements
Specific officials of chapters may make public statements and take public positions as long as such statements are:

Related to and advance the purposes of the Internet Society

Not contrary to a position taken by the Board of Trustees

Prepared and presented in a professional manner

Not likely to give rise to any significant liability of a legal or juridical nature.

Where there is any question regarding the appropriateness of a public position or statement, the chapter is expected to consult with the Society’s headquarters. If the statement is one made before a governmental body outside of the national boundaries of the country within which the chapter is located, such consultation is mandatory and prior approval must be obtained.

The Society’s headquarters shall be informed of all significant public positions and statements taken or issued by a chapter, preferably in advance, but in any case within 24 hours after issuing the statement.

All public positions and statements made by a chapter shall clearly indicate the source as the “- – Chapter of the Internet Society”.

6. Members
All individuals and organizations falling within the defined scope of the chapter shall be eligible for membership without discrimination except for just cause.

All members of a chapter shall also be members of ISOC. Membership is not necessary, however, for participation in the activities of the society or its chapters.

The Chapter shall have at least 25 financial individual members of ISOC

7. Liabilities
The Internet Society shall not be liable for any act or omission or incurred liability of any kind of any Chapter.

8. Organization
Chapters will be encouraged but not required to constitutes themselves as not-for-profit corporate persons.

Chapters will have as a minimum a defined Board of Directors, Officers, a written charter, members and a fixed corporate address.

Chapters will be responsible for maintaining a current list of members that is available to the Internet Society Secretariat at all times. Arrangements may be made for the Internet Society Secretariat assisting chapters in this task.

Chapters may be subject to an annual review conducted by the ISOC Secretariat, or by an individual appointed by the ISOC Secretariat, to ensure that the chapter is adhering to ISOC and Chapter policies and procedures.

Chapters must submit to ISOC the chapter’s annual financial report, annual activity report, and other reports as may be requested by ISOC.

Chapters will have their status reconfirmed by the ISOC Secretariat at least once every 36 months.

9. Activities
A Chapter may undertake any activity reasonably related to and in furtherance of the purposes of the Internet Society in its scope of jurisdiction.


Resolution 1997-18: ISOC Membership for Developing Countries
RESOLVED, that the Board adopts a lower schedule of individual membership fee, namely $12 pa, without the provision of membership publication materials, to be made available to citizens of certain developing countries.


Resolution 1997-19: IETF Secretariat
RESOLVED, that the Board empowers the President of ISOC to enter into discussions with CNRI with the aim of establishing a contract with CNRI for the provision of IETF Secretariat functions.


Resolution 1997-20: Appreciation of Larry Landweber.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its profound appreciation to Larry Landweber, noting in particular Larry’s successful efforts in regularizing the relationship between ISOC and the IETF, and the support of the IAHC initiative during his term as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and also noting his valued contribution as a long standing Vice-President for Conferences to the INET Conferences.


Resolution 1997-21: Appreciation of Emeritus Trustees Goto, Hahn and Kalin.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees expresses its appreciation to Emeritus Trustees Goto, Hahn and Kalin for their support given to ISOC while serving as a Trustee of the Society.


Resolution 1997-22: Vice-President for Organizational Members.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees establish the office of Vice-President for Organizational members to ensure that due focus and attention is provided to this area of ISOC support.


Resolution 1997-23: 1998 ISOC Nomination and Trustee Election Committee Timetable
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees adopt a timetable for the 1998 Trustee nominations and election process in accordance with the procedures of Resolution 94-19, commencing with the opening of the Nominations period on December 1, 1997. The timetable to be adopted is as follows:

December 1, 1997: Nominations Period Opens
December 30, 1997: Nominations Period Closes
January 9, 1998: Nominations Committee Announcement
February 23, 1998: Petition Period Closes
February 24, 1998: Candidate Announcement
March 24, 1998: Ballots Posted
April 1, 1998: Election Period Opens
May 30, 1998: Election Date
June 1, 1998: Challenge Period Opens
June 10, 1997: Elections Committee Certifies Result
June 20, 1998: Challenge Period Closes
July 10, 1998: ISOC Response to Challenge Period Closes
July 20, 1998: ISOC Board of Trustees Annual General Meeting


Resolution 1997-24: Nomination of POC members.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees selects POC members by the following process:

  1. The Board undertakes an open call for nominations to the POC to the ISOC membership.
  2. Following closure of the Nominations period the President shall forward to the Board a full list of nominations and recommendations as to potential POC candidates.
  3. The Board will make the final selection via an electronic vote of the Board, using the adopted electronic voting procedure.

Resolution 1997-25: Legal Proceedings.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees endorses the approach advocated by Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett and Dunner to proceed to a resolution of the legal action with Internet, Inc.


Resolution 1997-26: ISOC Audit Committee
RESOLVED, to appoint Christian Huitema (chair), Michael Conn and Tim O’Reilly to the ISOC Audit Committee.


Resolution 1997-27: INET’98 Bank Account
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees authorizes the President of ISOC to establish a Swiss Franc account and a U.S. dollar account, as needed, with a Swiss bank to support the financial operations of the INET’98 Conference and related events.


Resolution 1997-28: ISOC General Counsel
RESOLVED, to accept Mr Stuart D. Levi, Esq., of the law form Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, to be the Internet Society General Counsel.


Resolution 1997-29: gTLD Policy Oversight Committee appointments
RESOLVED, to nominate Mr Christopher Wilkinson and Mr David Maher as ISOC nominations to the gTLD Policy Oversight Committee.


Resolution 1997-30: gTLD Policy Oversight Committee appointment term
RESOLVED, to nominate that Mr Christopher Wilkinson be appointed for a three year term on the gTLD Policy Oversight Committee.


Resolution 1997-31: INET Conferences
RESOLVED, to operate the INET conferences on a business basis that ensures INET conferences become a source of income to ISOC with low levels of financial risk to the Society.


Resolution 1997-32: INET’98 Conference Budget
RESOLVED, that the INET’98 Conference Committee prepare a conference budget for INET’98 which uses levels of registration and sponsorship levels as encountered in previous INET conferences, for consideration by the Board no later than January 6 1998.


Resolution 1997-33: INET Conferences
RESOLVED, that the Vice President for Conferences advise the Board of the impact of setting surplus targets of USD 1M for each of INET’99 and INET’2000, and that this advice be tendered to the Board by March 1998


Resolution 1997-34: ISOC Chapters Liaison
RESOLVED, that the position of ISOC Chapters Liaison be established, and Alan McCluskey be initially appointed to this position.


Resolution 1997-35: ISOC Chapter Guidelines
RESOLVED, that the ISOC Chapter guidelines be amended to remove the phrase “except for just clause” from the membership provisions for ISOC Chapters.


Resolution 1997-36: ISOC Geneva Office
RESOLVED, that the Board accepts the funding offer of the Geneva Borse to support a continuing ISOC presence in Geneva, commencing immediately following INET’98, and for this to be reviewed six months following the establishment of this office.


Resolution 1997-37: IANA Evolution
RESOLVED, that the ISOC Executive Committee take an active role in the evolution of the IANA proposals and inform the Board on progress of this activity on a regular basis.


Resolution 1997-38: IANA Briefing
RESOLVED, that various IANA evolutionary models be presented to the ISOC membership for discussion by the membership and for note by the Board and IANA.


Resolution 1997-39: 1998 ISOC Trustee Nomination and Election Timetable
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees adopt a timetable for the 1998 Trustee nominations and election process, in place of Resolution 97-23, in accordance with the procedures of Resolution 94-19, commencing with the opening of the Nominations period on December 15 1997. The timetable to be adopted is as follows:

December 15, 1997: Nominations Period Opens
January 15, 1998: Nominations Period Closes
January 23, 1998: Nominations Committee Announcement
February 23, 1998: Petition Period Closes
February 24, 1998: Candidate Announcement
March 24, 1998: Ballots Posted
April 1, 1998: Election Period Opens
May 30, 1998: Election Date
June 1, 1998: Challenge Period Opens
June 10, 1997: Elections Committee Certifies Result
June 20, 1998: Challenge Period Closes
July 10, 1998: ISOC Response to Challenge Period Closes
July 20, 1998: ISOC Board of Trustees Annual General Meeting


Resolution 1997-40: General Counsel Waiver
RESOLVED, that the Internet Society waive any potential conflict of interest with regard to the Society’s General Counsel, Skadden, Arps Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, and Mr Stuart D. Levi Esq., also providing legal services to the Policy Oversight Committee.


Resolution 1997-41: IETF Funding for 1998
RESOLVED, to include a budgeted expenditure of USD 250,000 to support the activities of the IETF within the 1998 ISOC budget.


Resolution 1997-42: ISOC 1998 Budget
RESOLVED, to accept the ISOC 1998 budget, limiting expenditure regarding the INET portion to new expenses of up to USD 25,000, for enabling ISOC operations over the month of January.


Resolution 1996-1: ISOC By-Laws changes relating to Charter member issues and agreements
RESOLVED, that the By-Laws of the Society shall be and hereby are amended as follows:

  1. Article II, Section 2 is replaced by the following:

Section 2. The Board of Trustees is authorised from time to time, to make arrangements for the election of voting Trustees by the Regular Individual Members of the Society (as defined in Article VI, Section 3, Clause (1), of these By-Laws), such that the total number of Trustees shall not exceed twenty.

The President shall serve ex-officio as a non-voting Trustee.

With the exception of the President, all Trustees shall be elected by the Regular Individual Members of the Society or shall be appointed by the Board to fill a vacancy which arises because an elected Trustee has ceased to serve.

Any vacancy which arises because an elected or appointed Trustee has ceased to serve may be fill by appointment by the Board until a new Trustee is elected to fill this position for the remainder of the term, in an election of Trustees by the Regular Individual Members of the Society.

All Trustees appointed by the Board shall be by the affirmative vote of at least four-fifths of the members of the Board of Trustees then in office.

The Board shall seek to among the Trustees representative individuals from industry, from educational and nonprofit organisations and from government. The Board may also make such arrangements as it deems appropriate for the terms of Trustees to be staggered. A Trustee may serve additional terms provided that the number of successive terms shall not exceed two, except that service as an appointed Trustee prior to July 1995 shall not be counted in this computation.

  1. In Article II, Section 10, second sentence, delete the phrase “… and in Article VI, Section 2 (1)(c) relating to Charter Members,…”
  2. In Article V, delete sub-Section 2(1) in its entirety and renumber sub-Sections 2(2) and 2(3) accordingly.
  3. In Article VI, Section 1, replace the entire section with the following text:

Section 1. In the event of the dissolution of the Society, the assets of the Society shall be distributed to a fund, foundation or corporation organized and operated exclusively for the purposes specified in Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future U.S. Federal Tax Code.

  1. In Article VII, Section 1, delete the phrase “..; provided, however that no amendment may be made which adversely affects the rights of a Charter Member without the unanimous consent of all then-existing Charter Members.”
  2. In Article IV, Section 5, replace the entire section with the following text:

Section 5. The President shall serve ex-officio as a non-voting member of the Board of Trustees.


Resolution 1996-2: ISOC By-Laws changes relating to Charter member issues and agreements
RESOLVED, that the By-Laws of the Society shall be and hereby are amended as follows:

  1. In Article II, Section 1, sentence 1, remove the phrase: “… (excluding any non-voting Trustees)…”
  2. In Article II, Section 1, remove the second sentence: “The persons designated in the Articles of Incorporation as Initial Trustees shall hold office until such time as their respective successors are appointed or elected and qualify.” in its entirety
  3. In Article II, Section 1, strike the word “thereafter” from the sentence which reads: “Each Trustee appointed or elected thereafter shall hold office…”, to read: ” Each Trustee appointed or elected shall hold office…”.
  4. In Article II, Section 10, replace sentence 1 in its entirety to read:

At all meetings of the Board, a majority of the voting members of the Board of Trustees then in office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and the act of the majority of the Trustees present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board.


Resolution 1996-3: Offer of Position of President and CEO
RESOLVED, that Donald Heath shall be offered the position of President and Chief Executive Officer of the Internet Society. The Chair, working with the Executive Committee is authorized to negotiate and sign, on behalf of ISOC, an employment contract with Heath.


Resolution 1996-4: IAB Nominations
RESOLVED, that the Board accept the IETF Nominations Committee nominations for membership of the Internet Architecture Board:

Steve Bellovin
Brian Carpenter
Jon Crowcroft
Robert Elz
John Klensin
Radia Perlman


Resolution 1996-5: International Top Level Domains
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society endorse in principle the proposal “New Registries and the Delegation of International Top Level Domains”, dated June 1996 by Jon Postel, and approve the role assigned to the Internet Society in this proposal. The Board authorises Postel, in his IANA role, to refine the proposal to include a business plan for review and approval by the Board.


Resolution 1996-06. INET’97 Arrangements
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society endorse the proposal to host INET’97 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and MIMOS as the local host, subject to the conclusion of an agreement with ISOC that is approved by the President of ISOC.


Resolution 1996-6: INET’97 Arrangements
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society endorse the proposal to host INET’97 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and MIMOS as the local host, subject to the conclusion of an agreement with ISOC that is approved by the President of ISOC.


Resolution 1996-7: 1997 ISOC Nomination and Trustee Election Committee Timetable
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees adopt a timetable for the 1997 Trustee nominations and election process in accordance with the procedures of Resolution 94-19, commencing with the opening of the Nominations period on November 1 1996. The timetable to be adopted is as follows:

  • November 1, 1996 Nominations Period Opens
  • November 30, 1996 Nominations Period Closes
  • December 9, 1996 Nominations Committee Announcement
  • January 13, 1997 Petition Period Closes
  • January 14, 1997 Candidate Announcement
  • January 29, 1997 Election Period Opens – Ballots posted
  • April 21, 1997 Election Date
  • April 22, 1997 Challenge Period Opens
  • May 1, 1997 Elections Committee Certifies Result
  • May 11, 1997 Challenge Period Closes
  • May 31, 1997 ISOC Response to Challenge Period Closes
  • June 23, 1997 1997 ISOC Board of Trustees Annual General Meeting


Resolution 1996-8: ISOC Board of Trustees Internal Procedures
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees adopt the following procedures:

1 Board of Trustees Meetings
The basic working procedures for the BoT are defined in the ISOC By-Laws. These internal procedures provide additional roles for the preparation and conduct of such meetings.

1.1 Agenda Items for Board of Trustee Meetings
Any ISOC Board member may demand an item to be included in the agenda. Items from other sources may be included at the discretion of the ISOC Chairman.

Where a decision is requested a written proposal must be supplied either on paper or electronically.

Agenda items and documents for inclusion in those items must be in the hands of the ISOC Secretariat at least four weeks before the meetings. Agenda items and documents received after that date will only be included at the discretion of the ISOC Chairman.

The Agenda and documents or a meeting will be dispatched by both post and by electronic mail to all ISOC Trustees and ISOC staff members taking part in the meeting three weeks before the meeting.

Unless otherwise marked the agenda and all documents are in the public domain.

The agenda will contain the standing items:

  • Minutes of last meeting and matters arising
  • President’s report
  • Conference report
  • Publication report
  • Finance
  • Elections if any
  • Items submitted by members

1.2 Minutes of Board of Trustee Meetings
The Secretary shall produce minutes of a meeting as soon after the meeting as possible. After approval by the ISOC Chairman the minutes shall be circulated electronically to the ISOC-BoT list for correction. Normally, this circulation should take place no later than two weeks after the meeting. Three weeks after circulation and after any corrections to the minutes will be frozen as “draft”. The minutes will be approved at the subsequent Board of Trustees meeting.

Reports of the meeting based on the minutes, but excluding any personal matters or matters which may prejudice ISOC contractual negotiations, will be published as soon as the draft, respective final minutes are available.

1.3 Content of minutes of Board of Trustees Meetings
Minutes will normally consist of a record of the decisions taken by the Board of Trustees and comments explicitly requested by members for inclusion. The minutes will contain an action list with names responsible for the actions.

1.4 Publication of minutes and papers of Board of Trustees Meetings
All minutes and papers will be catalogued and held electronically, where this is possible, in a suitable database. Access to all papers, except those deemed to be confidential by the Board of Trustees, will be freely available.

Where possible papers will be drawn up in accordance with ISOC1.1993, Guidelines for the production of ISOC documents.

1.5 The Chairman of the Board of Trustees Meeting
The Chairman of the meeting will be the ISOC Chairman of the Board or in his absence the ISOC President or n his absence a Vice-President, or in their absence the Secretary, or in their absence the Treasurer.

1.6 Closed sessions of the Board of Trustees Meetings
When an item to be discussed is likely to result in the disclosure of financial, personal or other sensitive information, which may prejudice ISOC contractual negotiations, it is at the discretion of the Board to declare the session close to participants other than Board members.

2 Election procedures
The following election procedures are to be followed at the ISOC Board meeting when elections are required by the By-Laws.

2.1 Officers to be elected

  • Chairman
  • Vice-Presidents
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary

in this order.

2.2 Nominations
Nominations must be from a Trustee in writing or by electronic mail.

Nominations will close immediately before the agenda item for the election. Nominations must be submitted to the ISOC staff in charge of the meeting. A nomination will only be valid if the candidate declares in writing or by electronic mail that he/she is willing to take office if elected.

A candidate who fails to be elected for a post may be nominated for a subsequent post.

2.3 Voting
If there is only one candidate for a position, this candidate will be declared elected.

If there are two candidates, an election will be necessary. A simple majority will elect one candidate. In the event of a tie, the chairman of the meeting will have the tie-breaking vote.

If there are more than two candidates, and if no candidate has an absolute majority of votes cast then the candidates receiving the highest number of votes will go to a new ballot, and a new vote will be called.

Voting will be by secret ballot. The ISOC staff and a person appointed by the Board will act as tellers.

3 Electronic distribution lists

3.1 Board of Trustees
Board members, observers appointed by the ISOC Advisory Council, Officers and members of ISOC staff may be members of the ISOC-BoT list.

The list shall be regarded as confidential.

3.2 Executive
Executive members and the ISOC President/CEO may be members of the ISOC-EXEC list.

The list shall be regarded as confidential.

4 Electronic Voting
In order to do business between meetings the following procedures for electronic voting have been decided.

4.1 Call for a vote
Any Trustee can at any time submit a proposal for electronic voting and act as “Vote Administrator (VA)”.

4.2 The Proposal
The VA poses the proposal to the Board of Trustees and gives a time limit for initial comment (typically two weeks).

4.3 Amended proposals
At the close of that limit, or more frequently if comments are substantial, the VA recasts the proposal in light of what he sees as an emerging consensus and items for continuing discussion. As long as, in the judgement of the VA, new information is emerging from the discussions, the issue will be periodically restated with a new time limit for response.

4.4 Closure for voting
When it is the judgement of the VA that further discussion on the issue is not meaningful, or at the request of a trustee, the proposal is called for electronic voting with a dead-line for voting. Votes must be sent to the BoT list so that all trustees can audit the outcome.

4.5 Requirements
For an electronic vote to be conclusive, the vote of the majority of the trustees must be received. It is up to the VA to make sure that the majority votes (this may require phone calls, etc.).

4.6 Voting options
The electronic voting options are: Yes/No/Abstention/Veto. The veto option is to be selected by a trustee if he determines that the issue has not been vetted to his satisfaction and therefore wishes to reopen discussion.

4.7 Results of a veto
Upon a veto, the in-progress electronic vote is cancelled and the process reverts to the discussion stage or is referred to an in-person meeting at the VA’s discretion.

4.8 Change of vote
Up to the time the VA has announced the result, any member may change his vote, including a veto.

4.9 Result
Upon resolution of an electronic vote (closure or referral to an in-person meeting), the VA will state the issue and the result to the ISOC Secretary for recording in the relevant minutes.

4.10 Conditions for positive vote
A proposal is accepted if the majority of the trustees give a positive vote. For decisions where a larger majority is required by the ISOC By-Laws, that rule will prevail.

4.11 Ratification
Decisions will be placed on the agenda of the next Board of Trustees meeting for ratification, unless the unanimous written consent of the Trustees has been obtained. Unless unanimous written consent is obtained the electronic vote has no binding force and no consequent irreversible actions can be taken by the Society.


Resolution 1996-11: Adoption of POISED Documents
RESOLVED, that the Board accept the POISED Documents: The Organisations Involved in the IETF Standards Process, IAB and IESG Selection, Confirmation, and Recall Process: Operation of the Nominating and Recall Committees, and The Internet Standards Process — Revision 3, and accept the responsibilities of ISOC as described in these documents.


Resolution 1996-12: Support of the IETF
RESOLVED, that ISOC confirms that the support of the IETF is the priority activity with respect to ISOC expenditure on activities.


Resolution 1996-13: 1997 ISOC Budget
RESOLVED, that the Board accepts the 1997 Budget. The Board notes provision for financial support for IETF activities to a budgeted expenditure level of USD 350,000. Total budget expenditure is USD 4,948,200, and income USD 5,031,176, with a budgeted net operating surplus for the year of USD 82,976.


Resolution 1996-14: Use of the term “Internet Society”
RESOLVED, that the term “Internet Society” and its logo should be used exclusively by the Internet Society and its duly authorised affiliated bodies. The Board authorises the ISOC Secretariat to take appropriate actions to implement this policy.


Resolution 1996-15: Electronic return of Election Ballots
RESOLVED, that ISOC Board Resolution 94-19 be amended to allow the inclusion of electronic and fax return of election ballots as a valid return of the voting ballot.


Resolution 1996-16: Signature of Candidate Petitions
RESOLVED, that the Board amends the Procedures for Nominations and Election of Trustees to allow the use of a member’s name and email address as a valid signature for the purposes of signing a petition to support a petition candidate, subject to verification where the petition candidate achieves the necessary quota.


Resolution 1996-17: ISOC Advisory Council Charter
RESOLVED, that the Board approves the ISOC Advisory Council Charter.


Resolution 1995-1: 1995 IAB Nominations
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees confirms the nomination of:

  • Yakov Rekhter
  • Elise Gerich
  • Jay Allard
  • Robert Moskowitz
  • Erik Huizer
  • Chris Weider

to serve on the Internet Architecture Board.


Resolution 1995-2: Assumption of Office of Elected Trustees
RESOLVED, that the term of office of elected Trustees shall commence at the adjournment of the next Board meeting following the completion of the Election process. The term of office for departing Trustees shall end at the adjournment of the next Board meeting following the completion of the Election process. The Board meeting is defined as having one agenda, which may extend over several days. The new Board may convene an organisational meeting after the completion of the meeting of the outgoing Board.


Resolution 1995-3: 1996 ISOC Nomination and Trustee Election Timetable
RESOLVED, that the Board adopts a Timetable for the 1996 Trustee nomination and election process in accordance with the procedures of Resolution 94-19:

November 1 1995Nominations Period Opens
December 31 1995Nominations Period Closes
January 15 1996Nominations Committee Announcement
February 14 1996Petition Period Closes
February 15 1996Candidate Announcement
March 1 1996Election Period Opens – Ballots posted
April 30 1996Election date
May 1 1996Challenge Period Opens
May 10 1996Elections Committee Certifies Result
May 20 1996Challenge Period Closes
June 9 1996ISOC Response to Challenge Period Closes
June 9 1996Completion of Election Process


Resolution 1995-4: Amendments to ISOC ByLaws
RESOLVED, that the following amendments are to be applied to the ISOC ByLaws:

  1. Delete Article II, pertaining to the Initial Period of Operations, in its entirety and redesignate succeeding Articles accordingly.
  2. In Article III, Section 1, second sentence, delete the phrase “… for a portion of, or all of, the Society’s Initial Period of Operations…”
  3. In Article III, Section 2, last sentence, amend the final phrase to read “… except that service as an appointed Trustee prior to July 1995 shall not be counted in this computation.”
  4. In Article V, delete Section 1 in its entirety except for the following sentence: “Any vacancy in an officer position shall be filled by an individual elected by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the members of the Board of Trustees then in office.”
  5. In Article V, Section 2, delete the following phrase in the second sentence: “Except as specified in Section 1 of this Article,…”
  6. In Article V, Section 2, delete the following phrase in the third sentence: “After the Society’s Initial Period of Operations,…”
  7. In Article V redesignate Section 2 to Section 1, and Section 1 to Section 2.
  8. In Article VI, sub-Section 2(3), delete the second sentence reading: “Founding Member status is not available to an organisation which is a Start-up Member.”
  9. In Article VI, sub-Section 4(1)(a), change the word “contributes” to “contributed”.
  10. In Article VI, sub-Section 4(1)(b), change the phrase “is organised” to “was organised.”
  11. In Article VII, delete Sections 1 and 2 and renumber the other sections accordingly.


Resolution 1995-5: Casual Vacancies on the Board of Trustees
RESOLVED, that the Board adopts the procedure that, where a casual vacancy exists on the Board of Trustees which is to be filled by an elected Trustee in the next election, the vacancy shall be deemed to be filled by the candidate elected with the least number of votes in the election. The Board will determine the period of office for the casual vacancy to be one term of office at it relates to the provisions of the ISOC ByLaws.

Where multiple casual vacancies exist the elected candidate with the least number of votes will be deemed to fill the casual vacancy with the shortest period remaining, the elected candidate with the second smallest number of votes will be deemed to fill the next shortest casual vacancy, and so on.

A casual vacancy is defined to have occurred where a Trustee does not complete the three year term of office, and the casual vacancy is defined to exist until the expiration of the three year period associated with the original incumbents’ election.


Resolution 1995-6: Audited 1994 ISOC Financial Statements
RESOLVED, that the Board accept the audited 1994 Financial Statement as a true and accurate record of the financial position of ISOC for 1994.


Resolution 1995-7: ISOC Support to the IETF
RESOLVED, that the Board expend the sum of up to USD 125,000 in supporting the activities of the IETF over the period July – December 1995. The expenditure is to be directed by the Chair of the IETF under the purview of the ISOC Vice-President for Standards, for the purpose of providing flexibility of resourcing to the IETF and IESG outside of the existing IETF Secretariat funding.


Resolution 1995-8: ISOC Support of APNIC
RESOLVED, that the Board will provide organisational hosting to the operation of the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre.


Resolution 1995-9: US Trademark Action
RESOLVED, that the Board empower the ISOC negotiators to seek possible terms of settlement in the US trademark action.


Resolution 1995-10: Appreciation of Executive Director<
RESOLVED, that the Board express its appreciation of the Executive Director and his energetic efforts over the past 18 months in this role.


Resolution 1995-11: Appreciation of Vint Cerf
RESOLVED, that the Board expresses its profound appreciation to Vint Cerf for his tireless efforts as inaugural President of ISOC.


Resolution 1995-12: 1996 ISOC budget
RESOLVED, that Board accepts the 1996 ISOC budget, with a proposed revenue of USD $1,411,999, expenditure of USD $1,487,000, and an operating deficit of USD $76,000.


Resolution 1995-13: By-Laws Amendment relating to the establishment of an employed President.
RESOLVED, that the ByLaws of the Society shall be and hereby are amended as follows:

  1. In Article II, Section 2, insert at the beginning of the third sentence:

Except for the president,

and delete the following from the last sentence:

a trustee during the Initial Period of Operations shall not be counted in this computation, except that service as

  1. In Article II, Section 7, insert the following immediately after the words “or by vote at a meeting of the Board, or by the”

Chairman, or by the

and delete the following:

or by the Executive Director of the Society

  1. In Article II, Section 10, delete the following

and to the Executive Director,

  1. In Article IV, delete Section 1 in its entirety and replace it with the following:

The officers of the Society shall, at a minimum, consist of a Chairman, a President, a Treasurer and a Secretary, Except for the President, who shall be appointed as set forth in Section 4 below, each officer shall be elected for a one-year renewable term by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the members of the Board of Trustees then in office. The Chairman shall be selected from among the members of the Board of Trustees who have been elected by the Regular Individual Members of the Society. A person shall not hold more than one office at a time.

  1. In Article IV, delete Sections 4 and 5, and replace them with the following:

Section 4. The Chairman of the Society, with the approval of the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the members of the Board of Trustees then in office, shall have the authority to appoint the President of the Society, who shall function as the Society’s Chief Executive Officer and shall be responsible for the day-to-day conduct of the Society’s activities. The President shall perform his duties subject to the direction of the Board of Trustees, and for such compensation and on other terms and conditions as the Board of Trustees shall determine.

Section 5. The President shall serve ex officio as a voting member of the Board of Trustees.

  1. In Article IV, Section 6, insert the following immediately before the beginning of the first sentence:

Except for the President of the Society, who shall be compensated as determined by the Board of Trustees under Section 4 above,

  1. In Article IV, Section 7, inset immediately before the beginning of the second sentence:

Except for the President, who may be removed as provided below,

and insert the following after the last sentence:

The President may be removed by the vote of a majority of members of the Board of Trustees then in office, and in accordance with the termination provisions of the President’s employment contract.

  1. In Article IV, Section 8, insert immediately before the beginning of the first sentence:

Except for the President, whose duties shall be prescribed by the Board of Trustees under Section 4 above and detailed in the employment contract,

  1. In Article IV, Section 9, substitute “Chairman” for President” each time it appears
  2. In Article VI, Section 2, substitute “Chairman” for “President”

Resolution 1995-16: By-Laws Amendment relating to Charter Members of ISOC
RESOLVED, that the ByLaws of the Society shall be amended, effective as of the conclusion of the Montreal July 1996 meeting of the ISOC Board of Trustees, conditional on ratification by the Boards of the Charter Members prior to the Montreal, as follows:

  1. In Article II, Section 2, second sentence, delete the phrase:

Each of the Charter Members of the Society (as specified in Article VI, Section 2, of these ByLaws) shall at all times have a right to designate one Trustee who shall thereupon be appointed by the Board; with this exception,

  1. In Article II, Section 10, second sentence, delete the phrase:

and in Article VI, Section 2 (1) (c) relating to Charter Members,

  1. In Article V, delete Sub-Section 2 (1) in its entirety and renumber sub-Sections 2 (2) and 2 (3) accordingly.
  2. In Article VI, Section 1, replace the entire section with the following text:

Section 3. In the event of the dissolution of the Society, the assets of the Society shall be distributed to a fund, foundation or corporation organized and operated exclusively for the purposes specified in Section 501(c)(c) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future U.S. Federal tax code).

  1. In Article VII, Section 1, delete the phrase:

; provided, however that no amendment may be made which adversely affects the rights of a Charter Member without the unanimous consent of all then-existing Charter Members


Resolution 1995-17: ISOC Advisory Council Charter
RESOLVED, that the Advisory Council shall act in accordance with an Advisory Council charter, which shall be adopted by the ISOC Board of Trustees


Resolution 1995-18: Trademark Registrations
RESOLVED, that ISOC should make recommendations for open use of the term “internet” and to warn against inclusion of the names of structural components of the DNS in trademarked names to all trademark administrations, world wide.


Resolution 1995-19: Staff Matters
RESOLVED, that the Board delegate to the Executive Committee the responsibility to assign salary increases for staff for 1996.


Resolution 1995-20: Chapter Formation approval
RESOLVED, that Board approved the process whereby the Vice-President for Chapters may, at his discretion, determine to approve the formation of an ISOC Chapter in such cases where the minimum criteria for chapter formation are not formally met, on submission of justifying information.


Resolution 1995-21: Nominations Committee
RESOLVED, that the ISOC Nominations Committee shall consist of 7 members, where 5 members shall constitute a valid quorum.


Resolution 1994-1: Financial Statements for ISOC Board of Trustees Meetings
RESOLVED, that the Board directs the ISOC Secretariat to formulate a cash budget and an accrual budget at all such times as when the ISOC budget is to be considered by the ISOC Board of Trustees.


Resolution 1994-2: Reserves for 1994 ISOC Budget
RESOLVED, that until further direction of the Board of Trustees, the financial reserves of the Society, estimated at USD 312,793 at December 31, 1993, are to be used to provide working capital for the operations of the Society, and shall not be encumbered for any other purpose.


Resolution 1994-3: Borrowing by ISOC
RESOLVED, that until further direction of the Board of Trustees, the President and the Executive Director are instructed to conduct the financial affairs of the Society such that debt beyond normal trade payments in not incurred.


Resolution 1994-4: 1994 ISOC Budget
RESOLVED, that subject to further review at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees, the President is authorised to carry out the budget for calendar year 1994, which calls for total revenue of USD 967,500, total expenses of USD 965,456, and a budgeted surplus of USD 2,044. In the event of an actual or projected shortfall in revenue appropriate actions will be taken to reduce expenses such that a deficit is not incurred.


Resolution 1994-5: Audit Committee
RESOLVED, that the Board is to establish an Audit Committee, chartered to review ISOC financial procedures and report to the Board of Trustees on a continuing basis.


Resolution 1994-6: Executive Director Appointment
RESOLVED, that the Board confirms the appointment of Anthony Rutkowski as Executive Director of ISOC, to be appointed within terms consistent to that specified in the draft service agreement.


Resolution 1994-7: 1995 ISOC Elections
RESOLVED, that the Board form a committee to report to the Trustees on the proposed schedule for the 1995 Trustee elections, and propose any appropriate changes to the existing elections procedure.


Resolution 1994-8: ISOC Internal Procedures
RESOLVED, that the Board adopts the documented ISOC Internal Procedures, as amended.


Resolution 1994-9: Individual Membership Fees
RESOLVED, that the Board immediately set individual annual membership fees to USD 35, and record all renewed memberships which occurred on or after 1 January 1994 as a two year membership.


Resolution 1994-10: Non Voting Individual Membership
RESOLVED, that the Board establish a committee to investigate a proposal for the establishment of a new non voting class of individual membership of ISOC, and the committee is tasked to report on this matter at the next meeting of the Board.


Resolution 1994-11: Associate Organisational Members of ISOC
RESOLVED, that the Board Establish a new class of organisational membership of ISOC, Associate Organisational Member.


Resolution 1994-12: Friends of ISOC
RESOLVED, that the Board establish a new category of listed membership of ISOC, Friends of ISOC, with a minimum contribution to be determined by the President of ISOC at a level not less than double individual membership fees, for a listing period of 1 calendar year.


Resolution 1994-13: ISOC Chapters
RESOLVED, that the Board empowers the ISOC President to establish ISOC Chapter charter procedures in accordance with these principles, and to implement them:

  • ISOC will approve the formation of regional chapters for the purpose of promoting local activity consistent with ISOC goals and charter.
  • ISOC Regional Chapters will be designated by ISOC after approval by the President of a satisfactory application to ISOC.
  • ISOC Regional Chapters shall consist of local groups of ISOC members.


Resolution 1994-14: Internet Standards Process
RESOLVED, that the Board establish a committee to finalise the document RFC1310bis with particular reference to legal and insurance implications and formulate a strategy by which this arrangement can be effected with the IAB, IESG and IAB. This committee is tasked with presenting the Board a codification of these practices, and should invite legal review by the appropriate US and European entities.


Resolution 1994-15: Financial Procedures
RESOLVED, that ISOC adopt the financial procedures as recommended by the Audit Committee, as an interim measure until such time as a manual describing the internal controls and accounting procedures to be used by ISOC for managing its finances has been adopted:

  1. In the absence of a full-time business office manager, the ISOC accountant shall hold all ISOC checks and be personally involved in all transactions that involve the expenditure of funds from the ISOC bank accounts.
  2. At least two parties shall be involved in all transactions that involve the expenditure of funds from the bank accounts. In particular, and to the extent possible, the requestor of a disbursementshould not be the one to sign the check.
  3. All revenue and expenditures of ISOC shall be properly vouchered.
  4. Provide quarterly financial updates to the Board of Trustees including at a minimum:
    1. the then current income statement and balance sheet and
    2. fiscal year projections in both cash and accrual form.

The projections shall be actual to date and estimates to the end of the year.

  • Provide a plan to the Audit Committee by April 30, 1994 for management of cash, limiting bank exposure (ie. staying within FDIC insurance limits, and investment of current assets)
  • If other than IRS guidelines are to be used for depreciation, please let the audit committee know as soon as possible. Else, we will assume the IRS guidelines will be used.
  • Expense all items under $1000 and capitalize all long term assets of $1000 or more.
  • Operate as near as possible to cash so as to avoid long-term ISOC obligations whenever possible.
  • Develop and document reasonable travel policies for all ISOC travel (including employees, officers, trustees, contractors, consultants, etc) and provide to the Audit Committee before the next ISOC Board meeting.
  • Develop compensation and fringe benefit guidelines for timely approval by the Board. The guidelines should require that employees be paid at prevailing wages for the job, area and level of experience.
  • Obtain Board of Trustees approval for any additional benefits including especially non-cash benefits, if any.


Resolution 1994-16: 1994 IAB Nominations
RESOLVED, that the Board confirm the nominations of the IETF Nominations Committee for the following individuals to be members of the Internet Architecture Board:

  • Christian Huitema (INRIA)
  • Phill Gross (MCI)
  • Robert Elz (University of Melbourne)
  • Brian Carpenter (CERN)
  • Lixia Zhang (Xerox PARC)
  • Steve Crocker (Trusted Info Systems)


Resolution 1994-17: Amendment of the By-Laws
RESOLVED, with a vote of 15 in favour, 0 opposed and 0 Abstentions, that Article VII, Section 3 of the Internet Society By-Laws shall be amended by inserting the following provision at the end of such Section:

However, if the named recipient is not then in existence or is no longer a qualified distributee, or is unwilling or unable to accept the distribution, then the assets of the Society shall be distributed to a fund, foundation or corporation organized and operated exclusively for the purposes specified in Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future United States Federal tax code).


Resolution 1994-18: Employee Benefits
RESOLVED, that the Board approves the provision of non-cash benefits to ISOC employees within the general guidelines of the draft Employee Benefits document provided to Trustees (dated 14 June 1994).


Resolution 1994-19: Procedures for Nomination and Election of Trustees (Supersedes Resolution
RESOLVED, that the Board adopts the following process for the nomination and election of ISOC Trustees.
Procedures for Nomination and Election of Trustees
1. Trustee Positions to be Filled

The Board of Trustees will advise the Nominating Committee of the number of Trustee positions to be filled by vote of the individual members at each annual election. The Board may also advise the Nominating Committee of its desires with respect to the backgrounds of individuals to be nominated in order to achieve the balance of experience and qualifications required by the provisions of By-Law Article III, Section 2, which provides that “the Board shall seek to have among the Trustees representative individuals from industry, from educational and nonprofit organizations and from government.”

1.1 Date of Election

The Board of Trustees will annually adopt a timetable for Trustee elections. The election date shall be not less than 40 days prior to the next Annual Meeting of the Society.

1.2 Use of Electronic Mail

All communications concerning the nomination and election of Trustees shall be in the form of electronic mail except the ballot, which shall be in the form of first class postal mail. Members of the Society who are not reachable by electronic mail may participate in the nomination process by postal mail.

2. Nominating Committee

The Board of Trustees will annually appoint a Trustee Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee will consist of 5 individual members of the Society. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall be a member of the Board of Trustees. At least 2 members of the Nominating Committee shall be individual members of the Society not currently serving in any elected or appointed capacity in the Society.

2.1 Nominations by Committee

The Nominating Committee will notify the members of the Society of the procedures for nominating individuals for election to the Board of Trustees, and will provide a minimum period for receiving nominations of 30 days. The number of individuals nominated shall exceed the number of Trustees to be elected.

2.2 Nominations by Petition

The Nominating Committee will notify the voting members of the Society of the names of individuals nominated by the committee for election to the Board of Trustees not less than 105 days prior to the date established for Trustee elections. Additional nominations for election to the Board of Trustees may be made by petition filed with the Chair of the Nominating Committee not less than 75 days prior to the election. Petitions may be filed electronically. The Nominating Committee shall specify the number of signatures of voting members required for petitions, which shall be at least fifty voting members of the Society, or 1% of the total number of voting members of the Society, whichever is greater.

2.3 Candidates for Election

The Nominating Committee will provide the names of a completed slate of candidates for election to the Elections Committee not less than 74 days prior to the election date.

3. Elections Committee

The Board of Trustees will annually appoint an Elections Committee composed of three voting members of the Society which will be responsible for establishing and supervising elections. The Chair of the committee shall be a Trustee whose term of office does not expire during the year of the election.

3.1 Eligibility to Vote

All individual members of the Society in good standing are eligible to vote. An individual member is in good standing if his or her annual dues are not more than 60 days past due on the date of mailing of the ballot.

3.2 Ballot

The Trustee election shall be conducted by written ballot of the individual members, which shall be mailed to each member of the Society in good standing not less than 60 days prior to the date of the election.

3.3 Voting

Each voting member will be entitled to as many votes as there are Trustee positions to be filled by vote of the members. Votes may be cumulated on behalf of one or more candidates for election. A member may use fewer than the total number of votes available if he or she so chooses.

3.4 Receipt of Ballots

All ballots for Trustee elections shall be received by the Chair of the Elections Committee by 5 pm local time on the day prior to the date of the election, at the place established by the Elections Committee for delivery of the ballots.

3.5 Counting of Ballots

The counting of ballots will take place on the election date, at a time and place established by the Elections Committee. At least two members of the Elections Committee shall be present at the counting of the ballots. The committee will establish procedures to ensure the privacy, validity and accuracy of all ballots.

3.6 Certification of Vote

The Elections Committee shall certify the results of the annual Trustee election to the Board of Trustees within 10 days following the election, forwarding a list of the candidates and the number of votes each candidate has received.

3.7 Challenges

No challenge to any Trustee nomination or election procedure or result may be brought except by an individual member in good standing. Any challenge must be addressed to the President of the Society with a recital of the reasons for the challenge, and must be received within 20 days of the election date. The President, after consultation with the Chairs of the Nominating and Elections Committees and the members of the Board of Trustees, shall advise the author of the challenge of the Board’s decision, which shall be final, within 40 days of the election date.


Resolution 1994-20: 1995 ISOC Nomination and Trustee Election Timetable
RESOLVED, that the Board adopts a Timetable for the 1995 Trustee nomination and election process in accordance with the procedures of Resolution 92-19, commencing with the opening of the Nominations period on December 1 1994. The Timetable to be adopted is as follows:

  • December 1 1994 Nominations Period Opens
  • December 31 1994 Nominations Period Closes
  • January 15 1995 Nominations Committee Announcement
  • February 14 1995 Petition Period Closes
  • February 15 1995 Candidate Announcement
  • March 1 1995 Election Period Opens – Ballots posted
  • April 30 1995 Election date
  • May 1 1995 Challenge Period Opens
  • May 10 1995 Elections Committee Certifies Result
  • May 20 1995 Challenge Period closes
  • June 9 1995 ISOC Response to Challenge Period Closes
  • June 13 1995 1995 Annual General Meeting


Resolution 1994-21: ISOC Mission Statement
RESOLVED, that the Board accept the following as a mission statement for ISOC:

General Character of the Organization
The Internet Society is the international organisation for global cooperation and coordination for the Internet and its internetworking technologies and applications.
Purposes and Goals of the Organization
Its principal purpose is to maintain and extend the development and availability of the Internet and its associated technologies and applications – both as an end in itself, and as a means of enabling organizations, professions, and individuals worldwide to more effectively collaborate, cooperate, and innovate in their respective fields and interests.Its specific goals and purposes include:

  • development, maintenance, evolution, and dissemination of standards for the Internet and its internetworking technologies and applications;
  • growth and evolution of the Internet architecture;
  • maintenance and evolution of effective administrative processes necessary for operation of the glob al Internet and internets;
  • education and research related to the Internet and internetworking;
  • harmonization of actions and activities at international levels to facilitate the development and availability of the Internet;
  • collection and dissemination of information related to the Internet and internetworking, including histories and archives;
  • assisting technologically developing countries, areas, and peoples in implementing and evolving their Internet infrastructure and use;
  • liaison with other organisations, governments and the general public for coordination, collaboration, and education in effecting the above purposes.

Operation of the Organization
The Internet Society operates through its international Board of Trustees, its International Networking Conferences and developing country workshops, its regional and local chapters, its various standards and administrative bodies, its committees and its secretariat. The Board of Trustees is headed by a President with the assistance of several officers.


Resolution 1994-22: ISOC Role relating to the Internet Standards Process
RESOLVED, that, on the matter of Internet Standards, the Board of Trustees intends to pursue the following course of action:

  • to organise and manage an efficient and technically competent process for developing, adopting and maintaining Internet standards.
  • to accept responsibility for identifying and securing appropriate levels of funding for standards related activities
  • to endeavour to secure the broadest possible international acceptance of, and support for, Internet standards.
  • to take all necessary steps to protect and indemnify those individuals participating in the standards process when acting in an official capacity within the processes and procedures adopted by the Board of Trustees.


Resolution 1994-23: ISOC Awards Committee
RESOLVED, that the Board establish an ISOC Awards Committee and initially task this Committee to prepare a description of an ISOC Awards program and associated funding implications.


Resolution 1994-24: Code of Ethics Statement
RESOLVED, that, on the basis that the Internet will only function effectively within a spirit of cooperation, the Board:

  • Recognises the need for an Internet Code of Ethics and the importance of educating the community on this matter, and
  • Recommends that the Internet Architecture Board and the ISOC Advisory Council be asked to draft an appropriate code of ethics for consideration by the ISOC Board of Trustees at their next meeting.


Resolution 1994-25: INET’94 Conference
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society commends the Conference Committee of the 1994 INET/JENC Conference on a highly successful event. Under the leadership of General Chairman Geoff Manning, Program Chair Bernard Plattner, and the Local Arrangements Chair Jan Guntorad, a dedicated group of volunteers has given generously of their time and efforts in organising the premier international networking meeting of 1994.

The Board also wishes to recognise the special efforts of RARE staff members Marieke Dekker, Judith Kiers and John Martin, and Liz Barnhart of EDUCOM, whose work contributed significantly to the high quality of the conference.


Resolution 1994-26: INET’94 Internet Workshop for Developing Countries
RESOLVED, that the Board of trustees of the Internet Society commends the Organisers and Instructors of the 1994 Workshop for Developing Countries, held in conjunction with the INET’94 Conference in Prague, Czech Republic. Under the energetic leadership of Chairman George Sadowsky, the volunteer instructors and the dedicated workshop participants worked together to produce an extraordinary learning experience which will contribute measurably to the growth of the worldwide Internet.

The Board also wishes to recognise the special efforts of the Workshop staff member Joanne Scott, whose exceptional efforts contributed significantly to the success of the workshop. The Board would also like to note with appreciation the efforts of the Track Leaders and the Instructors.


Resolution 1994-27: Commendation to Steve Wolff
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society extends its thanks and sincerest appreciation to Steven Wolff for his many contributions to the Internet community while serving as Director of the Networking Division of the national Science Foundation from 1987 to 1994.

Realization of the program goals of the NSFNET during this period has transformed the Internet from an activity serving the particular goals of the research community to a worldwide enterprise which has energised scholarship and commerce in dozens of nations. The personal leadership of Dr Wolff, often under conditions of public controversy, has been an indispensable ingredient in surmounting a daunting array of technical, operational and economic challenges.

His extraordinary commitment to the growth and success of the Internet reflect the highest standard of service tot he networking community and command our respect and admiration.


Resolution 1994-28: Commendation to Jon Postel
RESOLVED, that, on the occasion of his leaving the Internet Architecture Board after serving from 1983 until 1994, the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society wish to express to Jon Postel its deepest appreciation for his many contributions to the technical maintenance of the Internet.

His depth of experience, his steady hand during periods of rapid change and strass, and his unvarying strength of his personal commitment to the work of the IAB have benefited all the members of the Internet community.


Resolution 1994-29: Commendation to Robert Braden
RESOLVED, that, on the occasion of his leaving the Internet Architecture Board after serving from 1983 until 1994, the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society wish to express to Robert Braden its great appreciation for his many contributions to the technical architecture of the Internet.

His special experience in end to end protocol development and his personal commitment to the work of the IAB have benefited all the members of the Internet community.


Resolution 1994-30: Commendation to Barry Leiner
RESOLVED, that, on the occasion of his leaving the Internet Architecture Board after serving from 1983 until 1994, the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society wish to express to Barry Leiner its deepest appreciation for his many contributions to the technical architecture of the Internet.

His depth of experience and strong personal commitment to the work of the IAB over more than a decade ofservice have benefited all the members of the Internet community.


Resolution 1994-31: Commendation to Stephen Kent
RESOLVED, that, on the occasion of his leaving the Internet Architecture Board after serving from 1983 until 1994, the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society wish to express to Stephen Kent its deepest appreciation for his many contributions to the technical architecture of the Internet.

His special knowledge of security measures and his strong personal commitment to the work of the IAB over more than a decade of service have benefitted all the members of the Internet community.


Resolution 1994-32: Commendation to Anthony Lauck
RESOLVED, that, on the occasion of his leaving the Internet Architecture Board after serving from 1989 until 1994, the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society wish to express to Anthony Lauck its appreciation for his many contributions to the technical architecture of the Internet

His depth of experience and strong personal commitment to the work of the IAB over more than a decade of service have benefited all the members of the Internet community.


Resolution 1994-33: Commendation to Robert E. Kahn
RESOLVED, that, on the occasion of his selection as recipient of the Marconi prize of the Marconi International Fellowship, the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society wishes to convey to Dr Robert E. Kahn its profoundest appreciation for his many contributions to the Internet.

Commencing with his far sighted recognition of the revolutionary potential of packet networks more than two decades ago, he has continued to exert extraordinary leadership in the networking community. His founding role in the Internet Society, including generous support of the needs of the society during its startup period is especially valued by his fellow Trustees. The Board looks forward to overcoming many future Internet challenges in company with our honoured colleague Robert Kahn.


Resolution 1994-34: ISOC Individual Membership
RESOLVED, that the Board will work aggressively to increase ISOC Individual Membership and Organisational Membership.


Resolution 1994-35: Vice President for Education
RESOLVED, that the Board replace the office of Vice-President for Conferences with the office of Vice-President for Education.


Resolution 1994-36: Election of Office Holders for 1995
RESOLVED, that the following officers of the Board are elected for 1995:

  • Vice-President for Standards: Scott Bradner
  • Vice-President for Chapters and Individual membership: Haruhisa Ishida
  • Vice-President for Education: Lawrence Landweber


Resolution 1994-37: 1993 ISOC Financial Statements
RESOLVED, that the Board accepts the audited December 31 1993 Balance Sheet, the audited Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Change in Fund Balance for the Year Ended December 31 1993, and the audited Statement of Cash Flows Balance for the Year Ended December 31 1993 as an accurate record of ISOC financial activity for 1993.


Resolution 1994-38: 1995 ISOC Budget
RESOLVED, that the President is authorised to carry out the budget for calendar year 1995, which calls for a revenue of USD 1,200,000, total expenses of USD 1,182,500, and a budgeted surplus of USD 7,500.


Resolution 1994-39: 1995 Executive Committee
RESOLVED, that the Board form an Executive Committee for 1995, with the membership of Trustees Cerf, Greisen, Huston Landweber and Lynch.


Resolution 1994-40: ISOC Advisory Council
RESOLVED, that the Board invite the Advisory Council to seat four Council elected voting members on the Board of Trustees.


Resolution 1994-41: INET’94 Vote of Appreciation
RESOLVED, that the Board express their sincere appreciation to the INET’94 Conference Chair, Geoff Manning, the INET’94 Program Chair, Bernhard Plattner, the INET’94 Program Chair Deputy, Hannes P. Lubich, the INET’94 Local Organization Chair, Jan Gruntorad and the staff of TERENA for their contributions in making INET’94 such a success.


Resolution 1993-1: ISOC Membership Committee
RESOLVED, that the President is authorized and directed to form a Membership Committee, a majority of whose members shall be Trustees; and Further:

  • that the Membership Committee is charged to study issues associated with individual membership, including but not limited to, the numbers and characteristics of members ISOC should seek, the benefits (if any) which should be provided to individual members, and the appropriate level of dues for individual members; and
  • that the Membership Committee is directed to submit a report with recommendations to the Board at the Board’s next regularly scheduled meeting; and further
  • that, pending review of the Membership Committee’s report by the Board, the staff is requested to make no irreversible decisions on the level of dues for individual members for 1994.


Resolution 1993-2: IAB Membership Confirmation
RESOLVED, that the ISOC Board confirm the nominations of Elise Gerich, Jun Murai, Yakov Rekhter, John Romkey, Dave Sincoskie and Mike St Johns to the IAB.


Resolution 1993-3: INET’93 Conference
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society hereby commends the hard work and dedication of the Conference Committee and the financial support of the corporate sponsors of INET’93.


Resolution 1993-4: Appreciation – Cisco Systems
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society hereby extends its deep appreciation to Cisco Systems and to Kate Muther for hosting a memorable reception for the Internet Society Trustees and the Advisory Council on the occasion of the INET’93 Conference in San Francisco, California.


Resolution 1993-5: Electronic Voting Procedures
RESOLVED, that the electronic voting procedures to obtain the sense of the Board be hereby modified to permit a simple majority electronic response on the part of the Trustees (subject to By-Laws provisions requiring a supermajority or unanimous vote), so long as the action so taken is subsequently ratified at a meeting of the Trustees.


Resolution 1992-1: Appointment of RARE Nominee to the Board
RESOLVED, that Kees Neggers be appointed to the ISOC Board of Trustees representing the RARE Charter Member.


Resolution 1992-2: Re-appointment of Juergen Harms to the Board
RESOLVED, that Juergen Harms be re-appointed as Trustee for a 1-year term expiring 30th June 1993.


Resolution 1992-3: Confirmation of Charter, initial Board of Trustees and Officers, adoption of By Laws and appointment of Executive Director
RESOLVED, that the Board confirms the following actions it had taken previously by electronic means:

  • Adoption of Charter
  • Appointment of initial Board of Trustees and Officers
  • Adoption of By-Laws
  • Appointment of Michael Roberts as Executive Director and ex officio Trustee.


Resolution 1992-4: Adoption of Budget
RESOLVED, that the Board adopts the proposed FY92 budget.


Resolution 1992-5: Apdoption of IAB Charter
RESOLVED, that the Board adopts the admended Charter of the IAB.


Resolution 1992-6: RARE to host INET’94
RESOLVED, that the Board accepts in principle the offer from RARE to host INET’94.


Resolution 1992-7: Procedures for the Nomination and Election of Trustees
RESOLVED, that the Board accepts the proposed amendment as procedures for the nomination and election of Trustees, and to publicly disseminate these procedures prior to the next board meeting.


Resolution 1992-8: Executive Committee
RESOLVED, that the Board creates an Executive Committee composed of Vint Cerf, Frode Greisen, Juergen Harms, Bob Kahn, Larry Landweber, Mike Roberts (ex-officio), and Tony Rutkowski.


Resolution 1992-9: Other Committees
RESOLVED,that the President be authorized to appoint the following committees and report their membership to the Board:

  • 1993 Trustee Nominating Committee
  • 1993 Trustee Election Committee
  • Committee on the Internet in Developing Countries
  • Committee on Internet Support for Disaster Relief.


Resolution 1992-10: Proposed relationship with ITU
RESOLVED, that the Board adopts the proposal on relationships with the ITU


Resolution 1992-11: ISOC Nominations Committee.

RESOLVED, that the ISOC Nominations Committee shall be composed Of six members drawn from the regular individual membership of ISOC.


Resolution 1992-12: Trustee Elections.

RESOLVED, that for the 1993 Trustee election, newly elected Trustees shall take office on the first day of the month following certification of the election results to the Board.


Resolution 1992-13: Electronic Voting Procedure.

RESOLVED, that the Board will adopt a procedure for electronic voting which permits business to be conducted between the semiannual meetings of the Board.


Resolution 1992-14: ISOC 1993 Budget.

RESOLVED, that the Board approves a balanced budget for 1993 calling for USD 955,000 in revenue and an equal amount in expense. The budget is to include a fund raising target for 1993 of USD 300,000 as a part of a commitment to partially fund IETF support.


Resolution 1992-15: POISED Process.

RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees:

  1. Commends the POISED Working Group for its efforts, as presented to the Board by Dr. Stephen Crocker, concerning restructuring relationships and responsibilities of the IAB, IESG, IETF, and for the selection of officers;
  2. agrees in principle with the proposed approaches and plans of action; and
  3. resolves expeditiously to assess legal implications of these activities, and to develop and approve required revisions to Charters that reflect the Working Group proposals.


Resolution 1992-16: Prof. Hideo Aiso.

RESOLVED, that the Internet Society Board of Trustees acknowledges with gratitude the contributions of Professor Hideo Aiso during his tenure as a member of the Board of Trustees. His service as General Chairman of the Society’s annual conference, INET’92, held in Kobe, Japan, is most appreciated. This was a highly successful conference, setting a high standard against which subsequent conferences will be measured.


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