Deploy360 19 June 2012

Speaking about IPv6 and SIP (VoIP) Next Week at SIPNOC in Virginia

By Dan YorkSenior Director, Internet Technology and Communication

SIPNOC logoHow well does the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) work with IPv6? How do current VoIP software and systems currently handle IPv6?  What does the industry need to do for SIP to thrive in an IPv6 landscape?

I’ll be exploring all those questions and much more at the “SIP Network Operators Conference (SIPNOC)” next week in Herndon, Virginia, USA.  SIPNOC is a great event sponsored by the SIP Forum that brings together network operators and many other companies all involved in actually deploying and using SIP for voice over IP. I really enjoy the event as the participants are really on the leading edge of IP communications. This year, too, the CTO of the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Henning Schulzrinne, will be giving what should be an interesting keynote. (And it’s not too late – you still can register to attend SIPNOC!)

As noted on the agenda, I’ll be participating in three sessions during the two-day event:

Tuesday, June 26

10:30am-11:15am: Panel Discussion: SIP Adoption and Network Security.

Along with Eric Burger of Georgetown University (and also an Internet Society Board of Trustee) and Randy Layman of Vocalocity, I’ll be discussing VoIP security issues, a topic I’ve long been involved with.

11:45am-12:15pm: SIP and IPv6 – Can They Get Along?

My main session for the event. The abstract is as follows:

With World IPv6 Launch happening June 6, 2012, production IPv6 network connectivity will be available to many more businesses and individuals. Major web sites and content providers will all enable IPv6 access to their content. Consumer electronics manufacturers are committing to providing IPv6-enabled devices.

What does this mean for SIP-based real-time communications? How well does SIP work with IPv6 today? What are the challenges to deployment and what steps can be taken to overcome those challenges? What should operators and vendors consider with regard to SIP and IPv6? What software, devices and tools are available to assist? And what case studies and other information is available?

In this session Dan York will discuss all of these points and provide concrete suggestions for moving forward with SIP and IPv6. The session will also provide time for sharing of experiences and insight of the attendees. Please bring your questions, ideas and be prepared for a lively session looking at how SIP and real-time communications can work in the new IPv6-based Internet.

We’ll post slides and hopefully video after the event is over.

Wednesday, June 27

12:45pm-1:30pm: BoF: SIP and IPv6

This will be an open forum for discussion of SIP and IPv6-related issues.  At last year’s SIPNOC event the session was very well attended and there were great discussions about issues people were having, examples of where IPv6 worked well and questions people had about tools and services.  I’m hoping we get that level of participation again and that it can be a useful learning experience for all involved.

If any of you will be attending SIPNOC I look forward to meeting up with you there.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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