Deploy360 4 January 2016

IPv6 usage hits 10%

By Kevin MeynellGuest AuthorNominee for the Internet Society Board of Trustees

IPv6 BadgeWell we didn’t quite get what we wanted for Christmas, but we got it for New Year instead! We’re therefore excited that our first post of the New Year is to highlight that the Google IPv6 stats hit 10% for the first time on New Year’s Eve.

The Deploy360 team has been speculating over the past weeks about when this milestone would be reached, and our colleague Phil Roberts has taken the opportunity to cover the occasion on the Tech Matters blog.

Of course, 10% still means there’s a long way to go to deploy IPv6 on the rest of the Internet, but given that IPv6 deployment stood at 5.82% at the same time last year, this represents a yearly increase of more than 70% in the number of users accessing Google with IPv6.

With IPv4 address pools being exhausted or becoming extremely depleted in four of the five RIR regions, now is the time to be implementing IPv6. The signs really are that more and more users are taking heed of the importance of doing this, so please do look at our Start Here page to see how you can get started with IPv6.

We’re also interested to hear from anyone who has implemented IPv6 and can share their experience as a case study, or who’d be willing to share other configuration and/or deployment information that others might find useful. If so, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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