DNSSEC Statistics

The following sites provide ongoing statistics about the adoption of DNSSEC. This page is broken out into:


Currently the only ongoing statistics site we have found measuring DNSSEC validation by DNS resolvers is:


The following sites provide ongoing statistics related to an overall view of the signing of top-level domains (TLDs):

Several individuals maintain sites showing current DNSSEC deployment statistics:

  • DNSSEC deployment statistics – a site from Rick Lamb showing excellent trend data and updated daily with any newly signed domains
  • DNSSEC statistics for Sweden, Norway, Finland and Texas – a set of various DNSSEC statistics sites from Torbjörn Eklöv

Registry Statistics – gTLDs:

Registry Statistics – ccTLDs:

DANE Statistics

The following sites provide ongoing statistics related to the use of the DANE protocol‘s TLSA records:

Additionally, on 3 Oct 2015, Shumon Huque presented DANE statistics at the Fall 2015 DNS-OARC meeting (see slides 11-16).

Do you know of additional sites we should consider adding here? If so, please send them to us.