As a dedicated volunteer in our chapter community, your commitment to a world with an open, globally connected, secure, and trustworthy Internet is at the heart of our shared mission.
As a dedicated volunteer in our chapter community, your commitment to a world with an open, globally connected, secure, and trustworthy Internet is at the heart of our shared mission.
We are the Internet Society.
Together, we champion a world where the Internet is genuinely for everyone. While we share a global vision, each community paves its own path forward.
Your local insights and experiences fuel our collective mission for an Internet that enriches people's lives.
Beyond the Net is Growing to Empower Our Chapter Community
Beyond the Net is Growing to Empower Our Chapter Community
In 2023, over 50 Beyond the Net grants were awarded across 32 countries, promoting an open, trusted, and globally connected Internet with nearly USD $700,000 in funds. Beyond the Net is growing to meet the needs of critical projects driven by Internet Society chapters.
Join us in raising USD $40,000 this year to provide chapters with critical tools to enable lasting change. Every dollar you donate helps empower a chapter to implement transformative projects that advance community-based learning, engagement, and connectivity.

Image copyrights:
© Naveed Haq, © Victor Ndonnang, ©Internet Society Kyrgyzstan Chapter