Deploy360 at IETF 100, Day 3: SIDR, TLS & Crypto Thumbnail
Deploy360 14 noviembre 2017

Deploy360 at IETF 100, Day 3: SIDR, TLS & Crypto

Por Kevin MeynellGuest AuthorNominee for the Internet Society Board of Trustees

This week is IETF 100 in Singapore, and we’re bringing you daily blog posts highlighting some of the topics that Deploy360 is interested in. After the focus on IPv6 & IoT during the first couple of days, we’re switching tack today with a focus on routing and crypto matters.

We’re having to wait until after lunch, but then there’s a choice of UTA, SIDROPS or ROLL at 13.30 SGT/UTC+8.

UTA will be focusing on resolving the final IESG comments on the use of TLS for email submission and access which outlines current recommendations for using TLS to provide confidentiality of email traffic between a mail user agent and a mail access server. Next up for discussion are the open issues on a draft related to Strict Transport Security (STS) for mail (SMTP) transfer agents and mail user agents, before consideration of  a draft on an option to require TLS for SMTP.

NOTE: If you are unable to attend IETF 100 in person, there are multiple ways to participate remotely.

Over in SIDROPS, there will be a review of the status of BGP Origin Validation deployment in RENATA: the Columbia National Research and Education Network. This represents the first wide-scale deployment in the world, so the results should be quite interesting. There will also be a review of the status of RPKI deployment with IXPs, and the problems of ROAs issued with Multiple Prefixes is expected to be discussed. That just leaves a draft on Extending RFC8208 by adding Experimental/Documentation algorithm IDs, which has yet to be published.

Meanwhile, ROLL will focus on routing protocols for constrained-node networks, and has 3 working group drafts up for discussion, along with 3 new drafts.

Concluding our topics for the day is CFRG at 15.20 SGT/UTC+8. This will discuss four drafts including Re-keying Mechanisms for Symmetric Keys, The Transition from Classical to Post-Quantum Cryptography, SPAKE2, a secure, efficient password based key exchange protocol, and PKEX: Public Key Exchange.

For more background, please read the Rough Guide to IETF 100 from Olaf, Dan, Andrei, Steve, Karen and myself.

Relevant Working Groups

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